Every year we host a wide variety of fun events! From karaoke to games nights, there’ll be no end of interesting and engaging things happening for you and your friends to get involved in!
Past Events!
Karaoke Night
Karaoke evening is our event of the term and always the highlight of the year! Come along for a variety of anime OPs, EDs and weeb music! It is usually held in Wates House the Green Room! Drinks and food are available to purchase at the venue. It’s sure to be a super fun and memorable night, so don’t miss out!

The halloween Barcraw collab! is our new halloween event started in 2021. Samsoc collabed with Japan and Video game Society to go around bars and pubs cosplaying and having lots of drunken fun! It is the perfect event early on in the year to make new friends and to try out cosplaying! It was an incredible night for many and a memorable experience for all!
MCM Comicon London
Whenever there is a MCM Comicon London event being hosted there is usually a community of Samsoc members attending. Every time we try to meet up chill and take a massive group picture to remember the occasion! Uusally we take the train there early in the morning and have fun! Every year we attract a lot of our samsoc alumini to join their kouhai and share their experiences!

Charity Week
Music Evening
Quiz Night
Our Collabs
We’ve hosted a number of awesome activities over the years! A lot of them are repeated each year, so if there’s anything you’re especially interested in, keep your eyes peeled!
-Games Nights
-Bar Crawls
-Charity Naruto Run
-Bake Sales
And much more!

We hope to see you there!