Our Partners 23/24
Find about all of BioSoc’s Partners for 23/24 here!

Royal Society of Biology (RSB)
BioSoc is officially supported by the Royal Society of Biology. Our members can access the RSB Student Affiliate Membership at a discounted rate and additionally unlock many great benefits.
Institute of Biomedical Science (IBMS)
BioSoc is an IBMS Affiliated Society!
We hope our members can make great use of the career benefits within this partnership. Why not start by checking out IBMS and joining the eStudent Membership if you haven’t already?

Bright Network
We are a Bright Network Society Partner for 2023-2024!
Bright Network helps students to connect with opportunities, insight and advice to succeed as the work force of tomorrow. They have plentiful of resources and have partnered with over 250 leading employers. The best part, it’s FREE to join!
As a Society Partner our BioSoc Members were able to be given a unique link to be able to hear, apply and be the first to secure their spot at Bright Network’s amazing career events compared to everyone else! Including other amazing benefits you don’t want to miss out on!
Proud to announce that we are the first University of Surrey’s Society to be on Gradcracker’s STEM Society Hub Page. Check us out and all the many top employers who have personally liked BioSoc here

BioSoc has partnered up with Zenchai! Zenchai is our on campus bubble tea store. Each BioSoc Member has been emailed a unique discount sticker to get 20% off bubble tea every Wednesday.
Fight that FOMO and be the first to find out all our latest events and updates on Lounge.