The Bulgarian Society is a community comprised of a diverse group of people working together to achieve the society’s objectives. We all benefit greatly from its network of friendships amongst the other societies on campus and also outside university.

For the 2018/19 presidency, we, the Honorary Officers in the Committee, express our gratitude and are in great debt to:

Jacqueline Lai – for her work on the society’s webpage in the USSU website. Her help and dedication resulted in one interactive and improved virtual window for the society to reach out and promote itself and progress and aims.

Emil Georgiev – for his work on the society’s webpage in the USSU website. He continued Jacqueline Lai’s work, developed and maintained the webpage throughout the academic year.

Victor Strelnikov – for applying his professional skills in developing the society’s logo based on the design provided by Martin Todorov.

Aksel K. Tahir – for applying his professional skills in graphic design and marketing for some of the events during the academic year.

Trayan Hristov – for his dedication to our Bulgarian Folk Dance Club and leading the dance classes throughout the 2018/19 academic year.

For the 2017/18 presidency, we, the Honorary Officers in the Committee, express our gratitude and are in great debt to:

Kamen Shishkov – for his work as Sports Manager and dedication to all sport events organized by the society.

Ralitsa Georgieva – for her dedication to our Bulgarian Folk Dance Club and leading the dance classes throughout the 2017/18 academic year.