Welcome to the University of Surrey’s Powerlifting & Weightlifting Club.
Whether you are an experienced lifter, or have never picked up a barbell before, come along to our sessions to find out what we’re all about.
Feel free to email us with any queries and make sure to follow our social media platforms for our most up-to-date information.

Why join Powerlifting & Weightlifting?
If you’re looking for a sport to take part in that is inclusive, fun and challenging then Powerlifting or Weightlifting could be for you!
One of the great things about the sport is that anyone can take part, no matter what your level. For those who want to be more competitive, there are chances to compete and try and qualify for National Championships, and for those that are looking to enjoy a sport as a hobby, members can challenge themselves to learn new skills whilst improving both physical and psychological health!