Training Times:
- Tuesday 21:15-22:30 – General training @ Studios A and B at Surrey Sports Park (Manor Park)
- Thursday 18:00-20:00 – General training @ TB18 (Stag Hill Campus)
- Friday 20:15-22:30 – General training @ Studios A and B at Surrey Sports Park (Manor Park)
- Sunday 18:30-20:00 – Cardio / sparring Training @ PATS Field (Stag Hill Campus)
(Training times can occasionally vary during the term so please keep up-to-date with announcements about training on our Microsoft Teams channel or our Facebook Group!)
Cardio and Sparring Training
These sessions are a great way to build power and stamina for the tournaments we have during the year or just for general fitness. Although the thought of fitness sessions may fill you with dread and disgust, do not fear as the exercise will be fun and engaging – so the hour will fly by before you know it!
General Training:
- General training occurs for 3 of our 4 sessions a week
- Our training is generally focused around sparring during competition season and Poomsae on the run up to grading!

- This is where we practice a whole variety of kicks using paddles,shields and body armor!
- No training session is the same! Paddles and shields are used most frequently with body armor used closer to competitions.
- Within sessions we generally pair up to practice or work within small groups!
- Don’t worry if its your 1st training session or your 40th, everyone always has a partner, so no-one is left out!
- At competitions there are opportunities to compete WTF style as well as ITF style sparing.
- Prior to competitions we do extra training sessions to

- Poomsae defined as a pattern of defense- and- attack motions
- Essentially we learn a range of kicking and punching sequences dependent upon your level.
- As a club we learn the WTF style poomsae since this is the style in which we grade.
- Therefore we generally only compete WTF Poomsae, however there may be potential to compete ITF too if you require this style!