President: George Walker
Hi, my name is George and I’m a 3rd year accounting and finance student (although this is my 7th year at uni). I’m the current president of the new water polo club, which means I’m in charge of the day to day running of the club, organising all match day logistics and ensuring every member of the club is happy, safe and feels valued. If you have any questions about water polo as a club or a sport please don’t hesitate to contact me or Lauren (my VP).
Vice President: Lauren Young
Hi, I'm Lauren a 3rd year Veterinary Medicine Student who moved to the UK to study from Western Australia. I have been playing local and regional water polo for over 15 years. Last season I was fortunate to captain the Women's team and for the past 2 years I have been their goal keeper. I'm here to act as the presidents second set of hands, so if I can help you with anything feel free to message me.
Treasurer: Ben Webley
Hi my name is Ben. I am a forth year aerospace engineering student, retuning from placement. This is my second year as treasurer and my role is to ensure that, as a club, we get the best experience possible from our club funds. As well as this I play a key role in the general running of the club. Feel free to contact me with any questions.
Women’s Captain: Elspeth Jackson
Hi, my name is Elspeth and I’m a 4th/final year Biomedical Engineering student. I am the captain of the women’s team and I’m looking forward to seeing everyone in the pool finally! I started waterpolo in first year and have loved it since, players of all abilities are welcome it is always great to see new faces ☺️ please don’t hesitate to get touch with any questions you might have!
Men’s Captain: Max Nugent
Hi I’m Max and I’m a second year Law student. I am the 2021/22 men’s captain and so I’ll be responsible for team selection, helping with coaching and arranging friendly’s with local teams. I look forward to finally playing some matches with new and returning players and building an even stronger side for competitions throughout the year.
Outreach & Tour Secretary: Emma Whitelegg
Hi, my name’s Emma and I’m a 3rd year paediatric nursing student. I’m the outreach and tour secretary for water polo this year so I am in charge of our social media accounts, fundraising events and organising our annual tour. If you have any questions about the club don’t hesitate to get in contact with me via our social media accounts.
Social Secretary: Jack Newton
Hi, I'm Jack and I'm a 3rd year politics student. I'll be our social sec this year which means I will be organising our socials for the year. I hope to make up for the lost time last year and for everyone to have a great year and make great memories.