We Are The Surrey Saxons!

About Us
Welcome! We are a 2 (soon to be 3) sport society and we welcome all abilities!!!
We practice 3 times a week and compete in BUCS Mixed Softball and Baseball League
We play rounders casually and are looking to eventually compete against other unis

Tuesday: Softball 18:45 – 20:15 in Surrey Sports Park (indoor) Arena C
Friday: Softball/Rounders/Baseball 19:30 – 20:30 SSP (outdoor) AGP2
Saturday: Baseball Coaching 13:30 – 15:30 at SSP (outdoor) AGP3

Taster Sessions
First four sessions you attend are free – after that our membership is £35 for the whole year (+ Team Surrey)!
We have lots of upcoming socials planned for 2023/24, including laser tag and American Football collar. Stay up to date by following us on Instagram or contact us by email at ussu.baseball@surrey.ac.uk