Our Training Sessions:

Development Sessions
Team Surrey PlaySport
Guildford City Boxing Club (Advanced Session)
Our development session is for all club members to attend and train. This session will be run by the committee and will contain: boxing fundamentals, boxing drills, pad work, HIIT training and more. |
Development Sessions Saturdays: 13:15 – 14:30 All Members Session Location: SSP Studios A & B Sundays: 19:00 – 20:30 Beginners Club Session Location: SSP Studio A Sundays: 20:30 – 22:00 Intermediate Club Session Location: SSP Studio A |
As part of Team Surrey’s PlaySport scheme, the boxing club will be running weekly BoxFit sessions for those looking for an intense workout, with a fun and sociable atmosphere. |
BoxFit Session Sundays: 6pm – 7pm Location: SSP Studio A |
Club members from the development session with keen interest, dedication and skill, will be offered the opportunity to train with professional boxers and coaches from GCBC. This session is INVITE ONLY. |
Advanced Session Day and Time TBC Community Centre, Cabell Road, GU2 8JH |
£40 Club Membership Fee includes:
- FREE club training T-Shirt
- FREE kit hire for the year (Gloves and pads).
- Invitations to our massive socials, including joint team socials & an international tour.
- https://www.ussu.co.uk/getinvolved/clubs/join
£40 Team Surrey Membership
- You must purchase a Team Surrey membership in order to become a member of a club and attend ClubSport sessions. This is a £40 membership which helps cover the following costs:
- Providing a training venue (on and/or off-site)
- Providing coaching
- Competition entry fees & affiliations
- Personal injury insurance
- https://teamsurrey.co.uk/join/memberships/
2021/2022 Committee
President: Matt Ogley
Vice-President: Charlie Borley
Treasurer: Samir Ahmed
Activator: Samir Ahmed
What do I need to bring?
Development and PlaySport session participants must wear appropriate activewear / gym clothing and bring a bottle of water. Gloves and pads will be provided by the club if you don’t have your own. We do however, recommend hand wraps for everyone, though these are not essential.
For those selected to attend advanced sessions, you MUST bring a gum shield as well as your own 16 oz boxing gloves to every session!
Do I need to be experienced?
Absolutely not! We do our absolute best to cater all of our sessions towards all skillsets. Everyone is welcome to join, whether you’re just starting out as a beginner, or have been boxing for years!
What happens if I miss training?
There is no pressure to come to every session as, yes, boxing training is tough and can be repetitive. However, a lot of boxing training focuses on building up fitness levels and mastering the basics, so it will be good come train as much as possible!
Do I have to fight?
NO! In fact the majority of our members choose not to! We have many casual members who come solely for the fitness and training aspects. So don’t worry, there is no pressure to fight if you don’t want to.
How do I get into the advanced session?
After the first couple of weeks, a professional coach and members of the committee will select a small number of promising boxers to train at GCBC to develop their skills even further.
This session is only available to <20 people so we ask that those who are selected regularly attend, or their space will be re-opened for other club members.