The current LGBT+ Society committtee is made up of the three signatories – President, Vice President and Treasurer – as well as 5 non-signatory members. If you feel you have something unique you can contribute to the society, such as a Bisexual Students’ Officer or a BAME Students’ Officer, feel free to talk to the committee about it either at one of our sessions or via email ( and we can discuss it.

Andrea Anderson (she/her)
Studying: Biochemistry, Second Year
I took on the role as president to hopefully help to provide a safe space for queer people in the university, and advocate for inclusive practices within the university.
Outside of the committee, I enjoy various board games, card games and a fair amount of D&D, along with some other related things (huge nerd)
I’m free to chat if people want or need, I can be contacted via email.

Oliver Lee (he/him)
Vice President
Studying: Biomedical Science, Second Year
I’m taking on the role of Vice President of the society this year as I want to help provide what I believe is an important safe space for LGBTQ+ students.
Beyond that, I’m a somewhat introverted fantasy addict with a strong passion for immersive creative hobbies like Dungeons and Dragons (and other TTRPGs), cosplay and acting. I can sometimes come across as cold or unapproachable, but once I find my footing in a conversation I love getting involved in topics that spark my interest like video games, anime, mythology, Star Wars or cool science stuff.
Please do feel free to approach me in a session, message me over Discord or contact me via email.

Trinity Sykes (they/she)
Studying: Mechanical Engineering, Second Year
I took on the responsibility of treasurer this year to ensure that the society has the funds needed to continue providing a welcoming space to all members of the LGBTQ+ community. During my first year, I was overwhelmed with the amount of work and people, but having an open space to talk with fellow queer students helped me through that. Now, I want to help others continue to ensure this society be a warm and welcoming space.
Outside of my role in the committee, I am a huge nerd! I enjoy D&D and Star Wars as well as video games like Minecraft and Star Citizen.
I am always available to chat if you find me in a session or via discord, as well as via my email if you need any questions answered!

Lizzie Sheridan (any pronouns)
Aromantic/Asexual Officer
Studying: Psychology, Second Year
I took a role on this committee as last year I got to see the benefits of this club first-hand. Also, as someone who struggled to come to terms with their ace spec identity, I am looking forward to having the voice to spread awareness and help people who are also working on understanding their own identity. I am available to answer questions or just chat on my email.
Outside of LGBT+ I am also part of the fencing committee and dance squad, and in my free time I enjoy playing D&D and board games.

Maxine Collins (she/they)
Communications Officer
Studying: Computer Science, Third Year
I’m Maxine, but you can call me Max for short. I decided to take on the role of Comms Officer this year as this society has been an incredibly important space for me in my time at uni so far and I want to do my best to see it continue thriving. As Communications Officer, most of the emails you’ll be getting in your inbox and the Instagram posts on the Society’s page will be from me.
My interests include video games (especially RPGs, FPSes and competitive games), coding and reading.
If you need to get in touch with me, I will typically be the first person to see any emails to the society’s inbox ( or any DMs to the Instagram page (, and I am active on Discord, but you can also reach me at my personal email.

Taryn Clarke (they/she)
Disabled and Neurodiverse Students’ Officer
Studying: Biomedical Science, Third Year
I was diagnosed autistic and ADHD during my first year. I created this role last year to help support disabled and neurodiverse students, through listening to your concerns and helping you access support. I work with members and the committee to ensure that the society is accessible to everyone.
I love my teddy bears, and often have one in my bag with me (gorf is the cute dino in the picture). To unwind, I enjoy playing relaxing video games such as Stardew Valley or Animal Crossing. I absolutely adore the Frozen films; I was even lucky enough to see the musical over the summer!
I’m grateful for the opportunity to help support you all through university life <3 Please email me if you have any questions, or if you just want to chat!

Charlotte Vale (they/she)
Postgraduate Students’ Officer
Studying: Theoretical Physics & Quantum Chemistry, PG/R
This is my second year in this role and third year on the committee, I have also been the Trans & Non-Binary Students’ Officer. My role is to represent postgraduates on LGBT+ issues and aid in facilitating LGBT+ postgraduate events.
My PhD candidature is in the Quantum Biology Doctoral Training Centre, a cross-disciplinary group trying to address the extent to which quantum mechanics plays a role in biology. I am looking to answer whether or not we can use techniques from theoretical physics to better understand pharmaceuticals.
I have many equalities roles, such as Diversity Champion on the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications’ Early Career Mathematicians’ Committee and membership of the LGBT+ Physical Sciences Network’s steering committee.
In my free time I train Judo and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.

Gambit (they/she)
Trans and Non-binary Students Officer
Studying: English Literature and Creative Writing, Third Year
I wanted to be the T&NB officer this year, aside from the obvious, because in my first and second years I found the T&NB meetings an important part of the LGBT community in my life. They helped me get stuff done like my name changed on the uni system, and I want to be a part of that for other people.
Outside of the committee, I’m a Creative Writing student, I mainly write long form fantasy prose, and as a literature student I write most of my essays about queer interpretations of literature.
I carry my love of fantasy into the rest of my life, I play a ton of D&D with some of my coursemates and am a huge Zelda fan. I recently jailbroke my Wii to play the best game ever, Twilight Princess.
If you have any questions or need to chat, whether it’s about trans stuff, committee stuff, or just stuff, email me or find me at a session to ask for my Instagram or Discord :p