Upcoming Events:
More information will be posted through this website, the university email, and on our Facebook group page!

Past Events:
APRIL: April is Autism Awareness Month so we were enthusiastic to put on some engaging events to involve both our society members and the wider university community. Unfortunately the Easter Holiday took up the majority of the month, however, that didn’t stop us from putting on some fun events in the last week!
Let’s Talk: Autism Spectrum Panel April 23rd – 5pm – Hari’s Bar
For this event we joined forces with the Students’ Union for an informal panel event in Hari’s Bar. Students on the spectrum shared their experiences: from first being diagnosed to joining university (and all the anecdotes along the way!).
Charity Quiz Night April 24th – 8pm – Hari’s Bar
Working with the fab team over at ‘Hari’s Challenge’, we organised a Charity Quiz and managed to raise £79.01 for The National Autistic Society! We even had the chance to test out being quiz-masters ourselves, with our Treasurer Dan taking the mic for an ASD round.
MAY: With exam time approaching, many of us are focussing on revision but that doesn’t mean we can’t take some time off to relax and meet with friends.
Eurovision Live Stream May 12th – 8pm – Hari’s Bar
We teamed up with our friends over at LGBT+ Society to celebrate diversity through the biggest, glitteriest, craziest singing competition in the world- Eurovision!
Student & Societies Ball May 24th – 7pm – GLive
We were humbled to be nominated for ‘Best New Society’ despite being one of the last societies to be ratified this year! Although we didn’t win, we had an amazing evening and we are so proud of everybody involved in the society this year!