When joining the club there are several different memberships that are on offer to you – there is the Equestrian Membership for riding lessons, the Polo Membership for polo lessons and the Equestrian Joint Membership which allows you to take part in both for the subsidised price. When paying your membership please be careful to select the correct membership for you. 

In order to join USEPC on either the equestrian, polo or joint memberships you will need to pay membership to Surrey Sports Park.

Once you have paid for your Surrey Sports Park membership you will also need to pay an additional joining fee to specifically join the  club:

Equestrian Membership –> £45

Polo Membership –> £45 

Joint Membership –> £80

 While this might sound like a lot of money to pay, its important to know what your membership actually means for you. Silvermere and Conroy Polo normally charge more for lessons than we actually pay. By becoming a member and paying your membership we are able to subsidise lessons down to £20 for riding lessons and £35 for polo lessons, so actually it works out a lot cheaper in the long run!  
To pay your membership please use the link below