Ladies’ Hockey
Our Ladies’ teams have consistently performed well in recent years, with the 2nd XI and 3rd XI both finishing in strong positions in their respective leagues. The Ladies’ 1st XI however was relegated from the Women’s Premier League into Southeastern tier 1 and the Ladies’ 2nd XI finished top 3 in Southeastern Tier 3 seeking promotion in the coming season. The Ladies’ 3rd XI, only a few seasons old, have finished in the top 3 of their league again and expect promotion this season from southeastern tier 4 as well. Ladies’ training is held every Monday from 18:00-20:00 (1st and 2nd XI), Sundays 19:00-21:00 (3rd XI) and Thursdays (All Teams) 19:00-20:30 at AGP2, Surrey Sports Park.

Ladies’ 1st XI

Hiya! I’m Alice a 3rd year vet student and I am happy to say I will be the ladies 1st XI’s captain this season.
I am so excited to be able to lead this side this year and can’t wait to meet as many new hockey players as possible, freshers or otherwise!
This season we will be playing in the South Eastern League tier one after an unfortunate demotion from the premier league last season, but I have no doubt that with a bit of hard work and determination (and a little help from some newbies) we can get ourselves right back up where we belong.
I have played hockey since I was seven and have captained both school and county teams for multiple seasons (up the Bedfordshire)! I cannot imagine my university experience without hockey as I have made pretty much all of my friends from this club and of course my life would be incomplete without a BUCS Wednesday followed by Citrus every week (although I’m not too sure my lab professor on a Thursday morning would agree with that one)!!
I’m hoping to see as many new faces as possible at the freshers’ events this year. If you have any questions in the run up to this please contact me at OCOL xoxo
Ladies’ 2nd XI

Hi, my name is Pippa I’m a second-year student nurse. I am really looking forward to this season and hoping for a promotion after finishing 2nd last season!
I have been playing hockey since I was 13 and I can’t wait to meet all the new freshers and hope to create a really social but competitive environment throughout the team. If you want to know more, please get in touch with me at
Ladies’ 3rd XI

Hey, my name is Martha, I am a second-year child nursing student, and I am the Ladies 3s captain for this year. I started playing hockey when i came to university and everyone in hockey has been so welcoming and will be supportive of all freshers regardless of ability and previous experience!
This year I am aiming to create a fun and comfortable atmosphere amongst the 3s with me and many others being a friendly face at socials. Training sessions will be enjoyable yet also beneficial to help build on skills for our games, whilst aiming for a promotion after a strong second placed finish last year.
I hope to see many of you soon! Until then I am available on if you have any burning questions.