Every year we travel abroad to spread our good vibes across Europe, unfortunately Tour was cancelled for two years due to the COVID pandemic, in the Easter holidays of this year we once again spread good vibes on the continent spending a few days out in Rimini, Italy. This year we will once again head out on tour over the Easter break with more details to be announced in the coming months!


Hi I’m Dan, I’m a third year vet bioscience student. Last year I was one of two social secs for the club and this year I’m your tour sec. This means that once you get the winter blues and want to get away you can, in style, with friends, and in a hassle free way.
All you have to do to come on tour is sign up and fill out the document. I’ll be sorting the rest out such as travel, day time activities, socials when on tour and party themes. Any questions you have I’d be more than happy to answer at