The committee is elected each year at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) which typically takes place just after Easter. There is no requirement on being committee (the exception here is Diving Officer and Training Officer where we think it would be good if you have diving experience and understand the training process). All of us in the committee are very approachable so please don’t hesitate to get in contact with any of us if you have any inquiries about running for a position or any diving related questions.
President/Chair – Matteo Febvre:
Hello, I am Matteo, the new USSAC president for the 2024 to 2025 year. I started scuba diving in 2014 in the Middle East, where I became an open water diver (PADI) and remained so until I joined USSAC at the beginning of the 2023 school year.
As president, I guide the club to ensure smooth operation of the committee and ensure that our divers are satisfied with all aspects of the club. I am open to any questions or queries you might have about the club or wider scuba related activities.
You can email me at

Secretary – Virginia Shum:
Hiya! I’m Virginia the Secretary of USSAC for this year. I’m a Film Production & Broadcast Engineering student at the University and joined USSAC last year. I aspire to support new divers to experience the wonders of the underwater world and coordinate the society.
My role includes managing memberships, coordinating logistics for trips and training sessions, and ensuring smooth operations. If you have any questions about diving or our club, please don’t hesitate to contact me!
For membership and club inquiries, please email Virginia at

Treasurer – Jakub Mazur:
Hi, I’m Jakub, USSAC’s new Treasurer! I’m a second year Aerospace student and I have been diving for 2 years. I have really enjoyed going on trips and I want to learn more about diving.
My role is to manage and oversee the budget allocated to us by the University. It involves careful distribution of funds across various areas while ensuring that we are following our budgetary limits.
For any financial queries, email Jakub at

Diving Officer – Tina Burton:
Hi I’m Tina, the USSAC Diving Officer, I have been diving since 2010, an instructor since 2013 and in 2020 I took up the role of Diving Officer having been VP and Training officer previously in other clubs.
My role involves ensuring all diving and training is conducted safely. Ask me about diving, diver training, underwater photography and rocks.
Any questions or advice on diving, email Tina at

Training Officer – Izzy Davidson:
Hi my names Izzy and I will be your training officer. I started scuba diving in 2021 and I’m currently a Sports Diver.
As part of my role, I’ll be the one organising all of our training so whatever training you guys want to get involved with, let me know!
For any training enquiries, contact Izzy at

Trip Officer – Emily Wilson:
Hi I’m Emily and I am USSAC’s Trip Officer! I am studying business management and I have only recently started diving and did my Ocean Diver qualification with USSAC earlier this year. As Trip Officer, I will be helping to organise trips and help find interesting places for us to dive at! If you have any questions about trips or ideas of dive sites please let me know!
If you have any trip ideas or questions, contact Emily at

Kit Officer – Xin Yi Lim (aka Fuzzy):
Hi my name is Xin (Fuzzy if it’s easier), a Sports Science student. I started diving in 2023 and am one of the Kit Officers who will monitor kit servicing and maintenance. Also, I am a Wellbeing Officer in another society so if you need someone to talk to or want to learn a bit about the kit I am happy to help :3
If you have any questions about our equipment (or want to book some) email the Kit Officers at

Kit Officer – John Papoudos:
Hello everyone,
I’m John, the kit officer of the club for this year. Initially I joined the club in 2019 but Covid had other plans, so I became an Ocean Diver last year and I am currently in the process of becoming a Sports Diver. After joining the club trip to Lanzarote last June I wanted to become more involved with the club and help more people get into the amazing sport that is scuba diving. As a Kit Officer I will be responsible for making sure all kit is in good condition and ready for us to use whenever possible. Another responsibility I will have as a Kit Officer is advertising any kit that people from the club might want to sell or buy so feel free to contact me:
If you have any questions about our equipment (or want to book some) email the Kit Officers at

Social Secretary – Alex Chambers:
Hi I’m Alex and I’m USSAC’s social sec for this year. I have just done my Ocean Diver and currently working towards getting my Sports Diver. As social sec I am hoping to get more socials; such as some pub crawls, outside of the dive trips planned. I’m hoping to get everyone more involved with each other when not diving.
If you have any socials in mind please let me know!
If you have any questions about socials or our social media, contact Alex at

Boat Officer – Teddy Ng:
The Boat Officer is primarily responsible for the club’s Rigid Inflatable Boat (RIB) called Garfield and must ensure that it is seaworthy. Alongside this, it is their responsibility to deal with any other aspects of boat related equipment.
For info about the boat, contact Teddy at