The Students’ Union aims to represent all students at the University. The Officer Team regularly meets with all students to hear their issues, comments, and opinions at the Union Forum.
March Union Forum
Union Forum for semester two will be taking place at 18:30 – 20:00 Wednesday 19 March on Microsoft Teams. The topics of discussion at the semester two Union Forum will include updates from the Officers, and a discussion around Speak Week topics.
To join the meeting, click here!
What Happens at Union Forum?
The Forum starts with an update from the Officer team on their work in representing students since the previous Union Forum. The Officer team will then discuss any important current issues with the rest of the team. Students will also be able to voice their opinions and give their input.
If you have any topics of discussion you’d like your Officer team to discuss at a Forum, please contact the Union Chairperson at – all students are welcome to attend and engage in these discussions with your Union Officer team.
If you have any questions you can contact the Union Chairperson at