Freshers Fair – 24th September 2021
Whether in-person or virtual, explore freshers fair to learn about our society and how you can join our society!
Friday – 01AC03 – 6pm Hey Everyone! This is the last week before our Easter Break! And what better way to celebrate by having an Easter-themed session! Around five days ago, I sent a poll with options for films that had some form of connection to Easter (e.g. bunnies). We have a winner, we will be…
Friday – 6pm – 01AC03 Last week was a wonderful time at Unplug + Play where we spent time outside of campus. This week is going to be a chill-out session and I’m planning a smartboard activity so please make sure you charge any type of electronic before the session. There are two emails that have…
Friday – 5:30pm – Library Entrance Hey Everyone! We are heading out to Guildford to dine out together! The restaurant we will go to is… Gourmet Burger Kitchen! A If anyone cannot make it to the library entrance, here is the postcode: GU1 4EH Also thank you to those who answered yesterday’s form. It would be wonderful…
Friday – 6pm – 01AC03 Hope you are having a wonderful week. In the next three weeks, we will be celebrating Autism Acceptance Week (also known as Autism Awareness Week), we are very excited to host an event during this important event for our autistic society. This Friday (01AC03 – 6pm) is another chill-out session,…
6pm – 01AC03 Thank you for everyone who voted in the recent poll. The results are in and the film that we are watching is Shrek! This session will be hosted in our usual room and time, but if you can’t make it in-person, please reply so I can send you a Zoom link to…
Hello everyone! Welcome to Semester 2! We hope you had a well-deserved holiday as well as a satisfactory exam period. We are coming back together in Room 01AC03 at 6pm tomorrow. There is also a poll asking about movie suggestions for an upcoming film night, please respond if you haven’t received the email. We are…