As a member you will be able to enjoy reduced member prices for events such as our yearly Law Ball, discounts across Guildford and a vast array of other benefits and opportunities. Members will have first access to professional events and even work experience opportunities. 
The earlier you sign up, the earlier you can benefit from our membership!
Your membership is what keeps the Society running and thus, without you there would be no Law Society. When you purchase your membership, we are able to put on more events and ensure that there is something for everyone.
Remember, the Law Society is always here to help you; to develop essential legal skills, meet professionals, network with lawyers and leading legal minds, meet exceptional people on your course, participate in local, regional, national and international competitions and have a place and time to relax, sit back and unwind!
Your membership is an investment in your future and your own development as lawyers, professionals and academics. We will help you bolster your CV, develop essential legal techniques, build on professional skills, give you updates on where to go next after your degree and (of course) provide you with excellent social events all year round!
By supporting the Society and attending less than five events, the savings you’ll make from reduced ticket prices will cover the cost of membership, but the access to the legal network the Law Society can tap into? Well, that’s priceless!


Where can I buy my membership?

You can buy your membership by clicking here.

When can I buy my membership?

You can buy your membership now before you arrive on campus, or anytime afterwards and throughout the year.

How long does my membership last?

The membership is year long so must be renewed at the start of each new academic year to continue to reap the benefits of the law society and get involved.

Where do I find out what events are running throughout the year?

As a member you will receive regular emails updating you on all the new and exciting things the Society is planning. You can also check the LawSoc blog regularly for calendar updates and follow our social medias for the latest updates.

I don’t study law, can I still join the law society?

Of course! Anyone is welcome to buy a membership and attend our socials and events!