As a society, we want to be available to anyone and everyone that needs some support with their mental health, well-being or academically. We all know Law is intensive and can be overwhelming or stressful, especially when combined with day to day struggles. To try to help, we have our well-being team!

These individuals are dedicated to being there and helping whenever you need them! Please do not hesitate to contact any one of them with issues or questions you may have about absolutely anything. Our team is managed by the Support and Well-Being Officer Mia! We also are lucky to have her Deputy Arjun and 3 lovely Well-Being Champions.

Everyone will respect your privacy with anything you choose to tell them, and will inform you of if they think another member of the team can help you better!!


The Well-being Team







Mia can be contacted at or on Instagram @mialucy_bb (please see the committee for more information about her!)

Arjun can be contacted at or on Instagram @arjun_x01 (please see thr committrr for more information about him!)

I am Hannah, a third year student and I will be one of your well-being champions for this academic year. I am from Birmingham and studying straight law, with my favourite module being Public Law. I applied for this role as I love to meet new people and help to make a difference. I am a dancer, and with the style I’ve always focused most on being ballet, I spend my time outside of law fulfilling my passion. I cannot wait to meet you all this year!

Hannah can be contacted via or on Instagram @hxnnxh.faust_

Hi, this is Angel and I am a well-being champion and in my third year of law (having done law with a foundation year) and I am hoping to go into construction law. I’m from Somerset. Outside of law, I enjoys reading fantasies and thrillers, and other creative activities such as drawing, crocheting and mostly spending time with my family and friends. 

Angel can be contacted via or on Instagram @angel_morris_0408

Hi I’m Will, and I will be one of your Well-Being Champions this year! I am heading into my second year of straight Law. My hobbies include the gym, music- especially going to concerts- and gaming. After I graduate i hope to become a solicitor or barrister, hopefully specialising in Criminal or Family Law. I am realy excited to get back to my university experience and get to know you all in the new term.

Will can be contacted at or on Instagram @willjrose