Over 5 evening sessions of 2hrs each, we’ll teach you how to use the Python programming language. All the way from the very basics, to data manipulation and File I/O. Each session will include a teaching section and exercises to help you test out your new Python knowledge. This course is generally very popular, and we’ve received very positive feedback from previous students.

Absolutely no prior programming experience is required – just bring your laptop! We’ll be using the online environment REPL.it, so there’s no need for you to install anything either! We charge a £5 fee for the entire 5 week course, making it an extremely cost-effective way to get started with Python.

Keep an eye on our website, mailing list, and social media to find out when sign-ups open!

1. An Introduction to Python

  • What is Python?
  • What makes up a program?
  • What is a variable?
  • Data types
  • Types and casting
  • What is a conditional statement?

2. Functions, Lists, Dictionaries

  • Loops
  • Functions and variables
  • What is a list?
  • Creating and using lists
  • range() function
  • Using dictionaries

3. Modules

  • What is a module?
  • Installing, importing, and using modules
  • Useful modules for STEM

4. Advanced Python

  • Formatted output
  • File management
  • Lambda, filter, reduce, map

5. Tutorial and Challenge Session

  • Ask any questions
  • Use of documentation
  • Where next?
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