
The Shack is our facility for amateur radio, located at 46AB05 (top floor of AB, just outside the AA/AB lift)

We have weekly meetings during term time here every Wednesday at 17:00

Looking to get your amateur radio licence?

We hold licence trainings at least once a term where we run a free radio course and seperate exam to gain access to the world of amateur radio

See Activities for more information

The Radio Shack

The shack has a selection of equipment for amateur radio useage, from HF on our 3-element tribander all the way into the Microwave range

Most of our gear has been kindly provided by donations and is looked after by our Radio Officer

Our setup of antennas on top of the AB building are mostly all directional antennas which can be rotated by our rotator system

We also have a colinear at this location and a long dipole antenna


We are very lucky to be able to operate our own student led satellite ground station to learn about satcom and the higher frequencies available to amateur radio operators

This location actually used to be where the original radio shack lived many years ago when the society was first formed

Oftern, we do supervised work up here such as maintaining our array of satellite dishes and antennas, along with other space related equipment

Much more work is needed on this space and we are always looking for keen volunteers!

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