Here at your Surrey Students Union we want everyone to be able to party without fear or worry. We constantly are striving to improve the safety of our venues. Here are just some of the safety features you can expect from your Rubix venue!
Door Staff

We employ a larger than average number of door staff from our partner company Risk Security Solutions Ltd. With extensive experience in helping at Students’ Unions they are some of the most approachable and friendly door staff you will meet at a nightclub.
Your Students’ Union employs them to help keep you safe! If you have any problems in our venues just look for the nearest member of the team, they will help you with whatever your issue is!
Struggling to be heard by the team inside? Head out to our box office where it’s a bits quieter, there are always members of the team at the door.
Treatment Room
We have recently invested in a first class treatment room located inside the clubs near the main toilets. With a dedicated team of first aiders, paramedics and even advanced clinical professionals you could not be in safer hands.
If you find yourself injured for any reason, either look for the big wooden doors near the toilets of ask your nearest member of staff and they will guide you here!
Ask For Angela

We, like many venues, have trained all of our staff in the national ‘Ask For Angela’ scheme. If for any reason you need to get to a safe space within our venue, just head to any member of staff and ‘Ask For Angela’. They will invite you into one of our many safe spaces around the venue to discuss what we can help you with!
Welfare Watch
Welfare Watch is our team of dedicated students who volunteer in your venue to help look after you if you are in any trouble! If you are feeling unwell or overwhelmed look out for the team in pink high-viz shirts and they will take you to quiet comfortable area of our venue and ensure you are OK.
Need to wait for someone so you don’t go home on your own? Come see the team in pink!

At the Bar
Concerned about the security of the drinks you have during the night? Speak to our Bar Staff! We have a selection of items to help keep you safe whilst you rave! Bottle stoppers, drinks cover and drink testing kits are all available on request!
Ensuring your Safety
- CCTV cameras across Rubix that monitor activity around the venue
- Search on entry
- Security on site during the whole night
- First Aid Team on site
- Free water and soft drinks
- Welfare Watch – Trained student volunteers are present during most Rubix nights to help you sober up in a safe environment and get home safely, if you need it.
- Spiking Prevention
- If you are concerned about getting spiked, you can ask our bar staff to give you a bottle-stopper.
- If you think your drink has been spiked, inform our bar staff. We will test the drink using a spike test and inform Security if needed.
- Zero Tolerance Drug Policy
- We do not tolerate drugs in Rubix. Disciplinary action will be taken against anyone who has been found with drugs.
- Important: If you have used drugs and are feeling unwell, we encourage you to ask a member of staff for help. We will provide you with support – including if you need First Aid.
If you are feeling unsafe
- Inform Security
- Inform a member of staff by asking for ‘Angela’ – Our bar staff are trained to get you out of a situation that makes you feel unsafe, all you need to do is ask for Angela.
- Make yourself visible (i.e. by waving your hands in the air) so that we can identify the time and location of an incident.
- Use Report + Support to report anything anonymously and find support should you need it –
Walking Home
- If you feel unsafe or have been left alone, speak to Security/ Welfare Watch or a member of management who can assist you back to your accommodation.
- Avoid walking alone, walk in groups where possible.
- If you have to walk, avoid short cuts in lonely areas. Keep to well-lit, busy streets. Always walk facing oncoming traffic so a car cannot pull up behind you.
- Speak to someone at Nightline or Strut Safe on your way home.
- Consider carrying a personal safety alarm. The Union provides free safety alarms, you can come to the union building to pick one up from reception.
- Use lit-up areas such as Yorkies railway bridge/ pathways between the University and Southway.
- If you think you’re being followed, walk to the busiest place you can find or knock on a door. Then call the police.
- When approaching your car or home, have your keys ready so you can enter without delay.
- Remember to look out for Street Marshals in yellow jackets -They’re here to keep you safe.
- If you are attacked, shout ‘fire’ as loudly as you can; studies have proven that passers-by are more likely to respond to ‘fire’ than ‘help’. Try to get to a safe place and call the police.
Further Investigation
If you want us to, we can investigate a case if you would like to action to be taken. Anyone found to have acted inappropriately will face Union disciplinary actions, which can include being banned from our venues and possible further University disciplinary action.
Contact us at