The Students’ Union Annual Members Meeting (AMM) took place on 2 May 2024

The AMM last took place on Thursday 2 May from 19:30 – 20:00 online via Microsoft Teams Live Events, following Student Voice Forum (from 18:30 – 19:30). All students were invited to attend the meeting which is the Union’s version of an AGM.  The purpose of the meeting is for students to approve the Union’s current policies for the year to come.

The AMM focused on the Union’s Annual Report, policy discussions, and any submissions made by members. All other papers including the Union’s financial statements and staff Diversity Report were included in the AMM papers for the interest of our members as appendices but were not formally presented at the meeting.

Past policies that have passed include – 

  • Reduced use of plastic at the Union
  • Cost of Living and Women’s Safety priority campaigns
  • Food Co-Op
  • Sustainability in the Curriculum
  • Keeping Wednesday Afternoons Free

Below were this year’s papers:

If you have any questions or queries please contact the Union Chair via email at 

The deadline for students to submit policy for the AMM was Friday 12 April 2024.

All students received a meeting request for the AMM via email to their student account before the event.