Student Representation
✅ Represented students at the highest levels, with a particular focus on Cost of Living crisis, strikes and academic policies
✅ Co-chaired a Cost of Living working group with the Chief Students’ Officer, which discussed how students could be supported across the board
✅ Lobbied for additional funding for the Access to Activity Fund

✅ Successfully led in lobbying against changes to assessment and extenuating circumstance policies and regulations
✅ Lobbied to ensure the success of many officer projects across the University, leading on University wide initiatives
✅ Mediating and representing Vet Med students suing uncertain times, ensuring fourth gear students would be able to graduate irrespective of employing ECs during their degree

Student Activities & Support
✅ Co-led Black History Month activities alongside VP Community
✅ Ensured that students were supported throughout the UCU strike action
✅ Used the feedback from the Student Life Pulse to allocate areas for improvement for next year

Policies & Governing Documents
✅ Reviewed the Union’s bylaws; the recommended changes to our committee structure have been passed by our Board of Trustees
✅ Worked closely with the new Union CEO to update the committee structures

Union Brand
✅ Led on reviewing and updating the Students’ Union Brand
✅ Our new brand will give the Union a more contemporary look and feel
✅ The brand will also give us a proper tone of voice and framework for how we talk about ourselves to our members