Each year, we set our key priorities as an elected officer team and submit these to the University’s Executive Board. Our priorities for the year come from each elected officer’s manifesto, the trends we are seeing in student data, and what we know about where your experience at Surrey could improve. As your elected officer team, it’s our role to recognise the challenges that students face and to discuss these matters in partnership with the University.

Read our Priorities for this year here

Cost of Living

The Cost of Living for students continues to be part of our key priorities. This year we have committed to hosting as many free events and activities as we can, and limiting costs at those key ticketed events so that everyone can socialise and make new connections. We’ve offered free opportunities including: dance classes; arts and crafts; film nights; pumpkin carving; and our various wellbeing activities including a visit from Millers Farm; and the therapy dogs. Our Give it a Go week in early November offered a whole range of low-cost and free activities for anyone who wanted to try something new.

Last week saw the opening of our fantastic Community Hub on campus, a space which we’ve partnered with the University to provide low cost items to benefit all students. The venue will be open three times a week and is staffed by our team of friendly student staff. The Community Hub offers everything from books, food, clothing, even pick and mix. Everyone is welcome to visit and find out how the hub can benefit you.

As one of the biggest employers of students, we are pleased to have been able to offer 130 students new roles this year across all our teams from Rubix and Manor Park Social Team Member, to our student Administration roles throughout the organisation. We offer flexible hours, competitive rates of pay and training opportunities. It’s great to see so many students joining our team, bringing us skills and experiences and helping us run an agile and efficient Students’ Union.

We are continuing to work closely with the University on the ways in which they can support students better with financial difficulties. We are representing your interests to projects which include reviewing the process behind student hardship applications, and ensuring that those from more disadvantaged backgrounds can participate fully in University life, including sports and recreation.

Interested in our work on the Cost of Living? Please make contact with your Sabbatical Officers, come along to your Zone Committee Meetings or just visit us in the Students’ Union building for a chat about the work we are doing.