This course was developed by your VP Community 2020-21 and former LGBT+ Liberation Representative Izzy.
An LGBT+ ally is a heterosexual and/ or cisgender (a person who identifies with the gender they were assigned at birth) person who actively supports equal rights for LGBT+ people, and challenges homophobia, biphobia and transphobia.
We believe all students should be LGBT+ allies and to support your allyship development, we have created this workshop all about how to be an LGBT+ ally. Whether you know a little or a lot about the LGBT+ community, everyone is encouraged to attend this workshop to learn about allyship or brush up on existing skills.
Izzy Watkins, VP Community 2020-21
According to the Office for National Statistics, just under 95% of the UK population aged 16+ identify as heterosexual, equating to roughly 3 million people who have some other sexual identity. This course is an introduction to help understand some of the specific issues for LGBT+ people and, importantly, how you can help address topics of gender and sexuality with confidence and sensitivity.
This course has been developed alongside an updated Transgender Policy within the Activity Zone; if you want to know more about how this affects you as a member or signatory of a Club/Society, get in touch.