Amy Obi

Along with my Activity Zone team, I am responsible for helping co-ordinate and develop Surrey’s sports teams and societies. I lead on encouraging students to get involved in something extra-curricular of their studies, for their personal growth and individual development as well as helping to breakdown the barriers to activity. This can be through joining a club, society, attending our Give it a Go trips or participating in our social sport opportunities.
I came to Surrey in 2018 and immediately found myself in the role of Course Rep and on the Surrey Dance Squad Adv Hip-Hop team. Since then, I have been an Activity Zone Part-Time Officer, a member of ACS, Nigerian Society, and Enactus. I’ve also been the Wellbeing Champion for Women’s Rugby & #WOKESURREY and the #WOKESURREY VP.
I find joy in powerlifting, roller-skating, and playing the saxophone, not only is this great for my physical health but also creative expression.

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3 Priorities for the Year
  1. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion.
  2. Personal Development.
  3. Active Participation.
My Favourite Surrey Students Union Event
Varsity – I love the idea of everyone supporting each other for a fun day of competitive sport! Let’s bring it home again Surrey!
If you could give advice to a new student what would it be?
Step outside of your comfort zone, that is where real growth happens.