Chelsea Okyere

My role in the Voice Zone will be to spotlight student voices through collaborative efforts within my Zone and throughout the Students’ Union. I want to not only amplify students’ needs, but also make visible improvements so that students feel their voices genuinely matter.
I am a biochemistry student currently on a placement year, and was previously the Vice President of African-Caribbean society. I love travelling, reading and writing and discovered my passion for cooking whilst at university. I enjoy meeting and connecting with new people so please reach out if you have any questions, concerns, or just want to chat.
3 Priorities for the Year
  1. Cost of living
  2. Diversity and inclusion
  3. Student voices
My Favourite Surrey Students Union Event
My favourite SU event was the Sip N Paint collaboration with ACS. It was a truly enjoyable experience that brought students together in such a fun way to celebrate Black History Month.

If you had advice to a new student what would it be?

Take advantage of every part of university life that you can and immerse yourself in every experience. Challenge yourself to try new things and step out of your comfort zone. Starting university can be a daunting experience for anyone, but know that there is support available. Finally, making friends will be much easier than you expect.