Danielle Doughty

As a Student Support Coordinator, I provide independent and honest advice to any student within the University of Surrey community.
I graduated from the University of Surrey in 2016 from the Surrey Business School, and enjoyed a career working for the likes of 3M, Marks and Spencer and Amazon. Now I’m retraining as a therapist and am pleased to be back on campus, working to support students and help them get the most out of their experience here.
3 Priorities for the Year
  1. Support and advocate for students to support them in the coming academic year.
  2. Support our VP Support, and Support PTO’s in their upcoming campaigns.
  3. Continue to raise awareness and support our Student Minds student peer support services.
3 Interesting Facts:
  1. I have an English Bulldog called Angus who you’ll sometimes see around campus.
  2. I’m in my final year of training to be a Person Centred Pluralistic Therapist.
  3. I used to be part of the Universities Equestrian Society and still love to horse ride in my spare time.