Frey Turner

Hello! I’m a Music and Sound Recording final year student, and I’m here as part of the Zone to ensure we can support you with your wellbeing during your time at Surrey, as well as with your studies. My personal interests are mental health service provision and Equality, Diversity, and Inclusivity, but I am here to meet your needs – so please reach out to me with any suggestions or requests!

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3 Priorities for the Year
  1. Accessibility of support services.
  2. Ensuring services meet the specific needs of marginalised communities.
  3. Improving accountability and thoroughness of services, responding to feedback from students and staff.
My Favourite Surrey Students Union Event
Black History Month and LGBT+ History Month! I love the events the union and individual societies host during these months, the reading lists provided by the library, and how many opportunities there are to learn about these critically important histories.


If you had advice to a new student what would it be?

Go easy on yourself as you’re adjusting to uni life! There are so many changes happening, it can be a really exciting time but also presents difficulties for many people. There are many different places to access support on campus or in the community, but also reach out to those around you – many people struggle with loneliness in university, and I found acknowledging it with friends to be really helpful – it also brought us closer together!