Jo Yau

I am the lead student representative of the Students Union; I have a vision for the organisation and manage the four Vice-Presidents and CEO. I also chair the Students Union Board of Trustees and am a trustee of the university which means I am a voting member of the university council alongside all other various remits where I represent you.
I studied Mathematics here at Surrey and have loved being apart of Students’ Union from my various roles of being ABACUS President, volunteering and of course being Vice-President of Community and now Union President! I truly believe that everyone has a place in Surrey, am passionate to ensure that our students have a wonderful experience and a plethora of opportunities that inspire them to become the best versions of themselves.

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3 Priorities for the Year
  1. To improve student engagement in both academia and in extra curriculum.
  2. To ensure our students are aware of the Students Union and that they can influence our decisions.
  3. To give students a memorable experience in their university life.
My Favourite Surrey Students Union Event
One World Week! A campaign I lead last year that brings our surrey community together, whilst celebrating and embracing each others cultural background and heritage. A week full of events and showcases where our students can show how proud they are to be where they’re from whilst also learning and experiences other traditions and cultures.
If you could give advice to a new student what would it be?
Step out of your shell, try new things, and try to enjoy things in the moment.