Kiara Kataike

I oversee the Voice Zone and I am responsible for keeping democracy at the heart of the Students’ Union. I work on student surveys and feedback and support student-led campaigns to make sure that every student has the opportunity for their voices to be heard.
My Surrey journey started in 2019 and includes me being a member of ACS, Woke Society, Hip Hop & Rap Society and a Part-Time Officer on the Voice Zone. I love cooking and baking, my specialities are lasagne and apple crumble.

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3 Priorities for the Year
  1. Improving your student life and experience.
  2. Representing your academic interests.
  3. Encouraging student-led democracy.
My Favourite Surrey Students Union Event
Has to be GradBall! It was the same day as my graduation so it was almost a full 24 hours of me celebrating my time at uni. The rides were great, the decor was fantastic and it was just overall amazing atmosphere. Wonderful way to commemorate the end of an era!
If you could give advice to a new student what would it be?
Take charge of your University experience and don’t be afraid to speak up on any issues you are facing. There are plenty of student feedback opportunities and also the option to run your own campaign, so if you feel like something needs changing or doing, get in touch with us and we’ll be more than happy to help!