Liam White

I lead the Support Zone, which is all about supporting your well being throughout your journey at Surrey. I lead on support campaigns, work alongside our student support services (Nightline, Student Minds, and Welfare Watch), and make sure that students’ well being is considered by University Administration.
I’m a Psychology graduate, though I spent most of my time here a the Union! I’ve been in the Nightline committee, a member of staff at our nightclub Rubix, and an avid dancer (and President!) of Ballroom and Latin Dance Club. Supporting others and seeing them succeed has been the best part of my Surrey experience, so I’d love to chat to see how we can better support our community.

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3 Priorities for the Year
  1. Review the financial support available to students, developing it to be accessible and fit-for-purpose
  2. Work directly with student communities, holding the University accountable to addressing issues of inclusivity and accessibility
  3. Empower students to support themselves by destigmatising support services, helping students to support each other through individual training
My Favourite Surrey Students Union Event

I can’t pick just one! For Support, SHAG (Sexual Health Awareness and Guidance) days are always great! Handing out fun freebies and Fetish Nights are always something to enjoy, and are a great way to combine education and fun!

Strictly Come Surrey 2023 was also a dream for me, bringing BLDC and USSU to the student community in one night of spectacular dancing! It was amazing to see how quickly both students and staff can pick up a new skill: if you check out the video on YouTube, you might even spot a certain Sabb try his hand at devising some Quickstep!

If you could give advice to a new student what would it be?

Get involved! As much as I love Psychology, I don’t really remember my lectures or workshops. I remember the friendships and skills I got through volunteering, the thrill of dancing at BLDC, and all the fun of Rubix! Volunteering at the Union the best thing I’ve done here, so can’t recommend it enough!