Luana Vasconcelos

As a part-time officer in the Voice Zone, I am here to support students who have something to say. I will work alongside fellow PTOs, the VP Voice and Course Reps to ensure communications between students and the University are effective.
I’m a final year English Literature with Creative Writing student. I’m from Brazil so I came to Surrey as an international student. I’m involved at the University through multiple roles like Course Rep, Peer Support and Student Ambassador. I’m also a part of multiple societies including Disney Soc, The Stag, Pet Soc, Lit Soc, SAM Soc, etc. I think Surrey is a great place to build a home, so I want to make sure other students get to have the same amazing experience I’ve been having.

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3 Priorities for the Year
  1. My main priority is making sure that students are aware of all the opportunities that the University and the Union offer to enhance yourself and improve student life. Especially Surrey Volunteering.
  2. In terms of the Voice Zone, I want to improve the Course Rep scheme by introducing more frequent socials and highlighting course rep achievements to raise awareness of how student feedback is being acted upon.
  3. Finally, I want to create opportunities for further interactions between Placement returnees and second year students. This could be socials or workshops where they can share experiences and wisdom.
My Favourite Surrey Students Union Event
I always have a great time during Bingo Lingo because it’s super fun and creative with the ridiculous prizes.

If you had advice to a new student what would it be?

Starting University can be stressful and overwhelming, but at Surrey there’s always support for whatever you may need. Don’t hesitate to reach out to all of our amazing services, including the HIVE, Peer Support and the centre of Well-being.