Michael Yeung

Through my role as a Part-Time Officer, I am a representative of the student body here at Surrey, working under the Community Zone. My main focus under this zone is working on the entertainment aspect for students and engaging with the Guildford community.
I’m Michael, a current second year Biomedical Science student, originally from Essex! I am the current Vice-President for ABACUS and was previously Vice-President for the Mahjong Society.

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3 Priorities for the Year
  1. Improve Rubix club nights.
  2. work with societies to celebrate our cultures.
  3. Bring more events in general.
My Favourite Surrey Students Union Event
Definitely SurreyDecides was my favourite for me, it was a great experience and is how I got my role as a PTO for the Students’ Union. It was great being able to speak to new people everyday during the campaigning period and it was awesome having people I have never met come up and say that they supported me! Question Time was a particular highlight of SurreyDecides, it put me out of my comfort zone having to talk on stage about my ideas knowing that there was a audience and it was being live-streamed on YouTube.

If you had advice to a new student what would it be?

My advice would be to make the most of the opportunities given to you in the first few weeks. Attending events and joining societies is the best way to make friends when you’re in a new environment like university.