Molly Judd

A team member that strives to create democracy and get others voices heard within the university. A role that fronts student voices and aims to make changes for the better!
I am a second year Law student, as well as the Head Representative for the School. I enjoy dodgeball, football and F1, and am an avid member of the Formula Student society with Team SURTES. I love art and crafts as well as fashion and designing. I am approachable, so please come up and say hi if you see me around!

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3 Priorities for the Year
  1. Accessibility
  2. Ending period poverty
  3. Course Representative development.
My Favourite Surrey Students Union Event
Varsity, it was such a cool experience to see Team Surrey in action against Royal Holloway. It was light-hearted and a great day to meet new people!


If you had advice to a new student what would it be?

Get stuck in with societies that take your fancy, They’re the best way to meet new people and make friends. Try go out and get to know with your flatmates more, they’re the people you’re living with for the next year, you’ll need to get on.