Zac Vigar

My role is too act in the best interests of the students, improve their quality of life on campus and give them a great University experience. Whether this is done through a wide range of engaging events or helping provide a more sustainable campus that prior cohorts have pushed for and implementing changes that allow them to explore new opportunities and pathways.
I’m a English Literature student currently on placement year. I am absolutely obsessed with plants and nature and love building and designing things for the garden. I focus on practical solutions to problems, I love to be hands on, I hate standing around and doing nothing.

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3 Priorities for the Year
  1. Sustainability on Campus: I aim to improve transparency around Surrey’s sustainability processes and helping push for more sustainable projects around campus as well as review areas for improvement.
  2. Interesting Sober Events: A large portion of students choose not to drink at all for a variety of reasons and some just don’t want to drink for every event so I’m aiming to implement engaging events that don’t gravitate around alcohol but still allow students to enjoy time with their friends.
  3. Better Rubix Nights: I want to ensure students have a good time at Rubix. My focus will be on giving students more input on what nights and themes are put on as well as clearer access to drink covers and spiking test kits.
My Favourite Surrey Students Union Event
Freshers Fair, its nice to meet all the societies and their members as well as all the freebies.


If you had advice to a new student what would it be?

Go to societies and try everything new. It will feel weird and scary but just try and find what’s right for you.