Zoe Powell

I am here to provide support and make your time at the university the best it can be. I aim to encourage the university to provide support and awareness of substance abuse and addiction, as well as having a new focus on hazing and peer pressure in university societies.
My name is Zoë and I’m a second year adult nurse. On my course placements, I have personally witnessed the devastating effects of drug and alcohol abuse and it inspired me to begin a new initiative at this university to keep as many of these preventable situations from occurring in the future.
I aim for students to be able to enjoy themselves, safely and within their own limits, while knowing help will always be given at Surrey to those who ask (A. Dumbledore, 1998)
Also I love cats, books and coffee 🙂

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3 Priorities for the Year
  1. Outline a solid plan for a new university initiative focusing on substance abuse and addiction support.
  2. Engage with societies and team surrey to provide education on hazing and initiation games.
  3. Provide awareness on external charities and programmes to help students recovering from addiction
My Favourite Surrey Students Union Event
I love freefest, it’s a great way to start off the year while it still warm out and light at 8pm. I have great memories of enjoying the student band’s performances, eating Greek food, and having a vodka cranberry!

If you had advice to a new student what would it be?

Get involved! Join a society or a society committee to meet likeminded people and make lots of new friends. Being away from home for the first time can be lonely, but it doesn’t have to be. Push yourself to get out there and engage with new people.