
Surrey Decides : Returning Officers 2023-24

Surrey Decides : Returning Officers 2023-24

The Student Union’s Governance Committee has re-appointed our Returning Officer, Anna Clodfelter, for the current bye-election in semester one. The Committee has also appointed Fern Lewis as Returning Officer for our main election in February 2024. The Returning Officer role is voluntary and independent, and ensures that all democratic procedures are conducted fairly. Anna is the Chief…

Resignation of the VP Community

Resignation of the VP Community

Our VP Community for the 2023/24 academic year, David, tendered his resignation at the end of August. Our Board of Trustees met last week and have made the decision to not run a bye-election for the role. Instead, our remaining Sabbatical Officers, Part-time Officers, and staff will cover the VP Community’s duties and responsibilities. If…

We are 6th in the NSS!

We are 6th in the NSS!

We are proud to announce we continue to be a top ten Students’ Union, ranking 6th in the National Student Survey (NSS) results 2023. This is a fantastic achievement, and we want to thank everyone who took part for their feedback. The NSS is completed by final years at universities across the country and is…