Each year at the Students’ Union, students across the University stand to be leaders of their clubs and societies. The meetings in which they’re elected are called AGMs (“Annual General Meetings”) and it’s a requirement of every group at Surrey.
If you’re looking to find out more about our elections at the Union, visit our elections page.
AGM validity
In order for an
- President;
- Vice-President, and;
- Treasurer.
These are called ‘signatories’ and have responsibility for running the group. There also needs to be at least 10 current students in attendance, or half that group’s membership (whichever is lower). If you’re a current student and not graduating this year, then you’re eligible to stand for the role of President, Vice-President, or Treasurer for any student group.
If you would like to vote in any of the elections in which voting is closed to members only, you must hold membership with that group by the 1st March 2023.
AGMs will be overseen by either the outgoing committee or a Students’ Union Officer to help make sure things go smoothly.