What are PGR Reps

A PGR Rep is an elected PGR who volunteers to gather feedback and voice it to the University. They provide a way for PGRs to communicate their diverse range of opinions and experiences to the staff who deliver their academic experience, and to make change happen.

What PGR Reps do

  • PGR Reps will encourage all PGRs in their department to engage in discussions about their academic experiences, in order to collect feedback and ideas, whether it is positive or something that needs changing.
  • Represent PGR feedback to the University at formal meetings such as PGR Engagement Forums and the Student Voice Forum, and informal staff interactions.
  • Report outcomes from these meetings back to their peers and communicate any Rep Wins.

Becoming a Rep

If you are interested in becoming a PGR Rep visit the Becoming a PGR Rep page.

Contact your Rep

PGR Reps are there to help and facilitate open communication between staff and the PGR community. Contact your Rep with any feedback you have regarding your academic experience at Surrey to ensure you’re getting all the resources and support you need during your research.

Find your Rep

Below are the details of the current PGR Reps for each Faculty. If you are unsure who your PGR Rep is from the details below, please use this form to request the details of your Rep.


Oliver Coryo.cory@surrey.ac.ukPGR SEF Chair for FEPS
Astha Asthaaa07223@surrey.ac.ukAstrophysics (Physics)
Megan Eatonme00606@surrey.ac.ukRadiation and Medical Physics (Physics)
Samia Bakhtawars.bakhtawar@surrey.ac.ukSoft Matter (Physics)
Lauren Tidmarshl.tidmarsh@surrey.ac.ukATI (Physics)
Rucchi Ryanrr00540@surrey.ac.ukATI (Physics)
Jamie Neilj.g.neil@surrey.ac.ukATI (Elec Eng)
Alex Meekam01919@surrey.ac.ukATI (Elec Eng)
Chloe Howard ch01148@surrey.ac.ukATI (Elec Eng)
Ali Qoli Vafa a.pourmohammadqolivafa@surrey.ac.ukATI (Elec Eng)
Bairbre Doranb.doran@surrey.ac.ukCentre for Env & Sustainability (CES)
Sophie Tudges.tudge@surrey.ac.ukCentre for Env & Sustainability (CES)
Vacant Chemistry
Jodie Hunterjodie.hunter@surrey.ac.ukChemistry
VacantCivil and Environmental Engineering
Stella Christoustella.christou@surrey.ac.ukCivil and Environmental Engineering
Freya Murphy f.r.murphy@surrey.ac.ukComputer Science
Fatemeh Nazariehf.nazarieh@surrey.ac.ukComputer Science
Aaron Wing a.wing@surrey.ac.ukComputer Science
Huang Huan huan_huang@surrey.ac.ukComputer Science
Mohsen Kamelian Radm.kamelianrad@surrey.ac.ukComputer Science
VacantChemical and Process Engineering (CPE)
Vacant Chemical and Process Engineering (CPE)
VacantChemical and Process Engineering (CPE)
Oliver Cory o.cory@surrey.ac.ukCVSSP (EEE)  
Billy Valewv00017@surrey.ac.ukCVSSP (EEE)
Umar Farooqm.farooq@surrey.ac.ukCVSSP (EEE)  
James Kingjames.a.king@surrey.ac.ukCVSSP (EEE)  
Simona Bisianisb02767@surrey.ac.ukCVSSP (EEE)  
Rogier Fransenr.fransen@surrey.ac.ukCVSSP (EEE)  
Rafael Bessa Loureiror.bessalourerio@surrey.ac.ukCVSSP (EEE)  
Leo (Jian He) Lowjl02958@surrey.ac.ukCVSSP (EEE)  
George Alcolado Nuthallgalcoladonuthall@surrey.ac.ukCVSSP (EEE)  
Ryan Fernandez r.fernandez@surrey.ac.ukInformation and Communication Systems (ICS)
Yun Wenyun.wen@surrey.ac.ukInformation and Communication Systems (ICS)
Amirhossein Bayata.bayat@surrey.ac.ukInformation and Communication Systems (ICS)
Mariem Cheminguim.chemingui@surrey.ac.ukInformation and Communication Systems (ICS)
Jessica Furberj.furber@surrey.ac.ukMathematics
Elliot Sullinge-Farrallelliot.sullinge-farrall@surrey.ac.ukMathematics
Ryan Poole ryan.poole@surrey.ac.ukMathematics
Laura Joneslj00484@surrey.ac.ukMathematics
Luc Harold Lucien Mccutcheonlm01605@surrey.ac.ukMechanical Engineering Sciences (MES)
Danny Owen danny.owen@surrey.ac.ukSurrey Space Centre
Jayden Tingj.ting@surrey.ac.ukSurrey Space Centre
John Papoudosip00292@surrey.ac.ukSurrey Space Centre
Charlotte Valec.vale@surrey.ac.ukFEPS Quantum Biology
Payman Rad Moinpm00411@surrey.ac.ukFEPS Quantum Biology
Amina Mouhameda.mouhamed@surrey.ac.ukFEPS Quantum Biology


Sofie Vosssofie.voss@surrey.ac.ukPGR SEF Chair for FABSS
Jaime Velasco Sanchez j.velascosanchez@surrey.ac.ukEconomics (Year 3)
Joseph Turton jt01410@surrey.ac.ukGSA Dance & Theatre
Vacant GSA Dance & Theatre
Yiqi Liyiqi.wang@surrey.ac.ukHospitality and Tourism
Sofie Vosssofie.voss@surrey.ac.ukHospitality and Tourism
Aram Gholamiana.gholamian@surrey.ac.ukHospitality and Tourism
Juan Dimate-Gomezj.dimategomez@surrey.ac.ukLaw
Melanie Hanhh01155@surrey.ac.ukTranslation & Interpreting, Linguistics (Lit & Lang) 
VacantEnglish Literature, Creative Writing, & Film Studies (Lit & Lang) 
Gianluigi Narcisog.narciso@surrey.ac.ukManagement (SBS) 
Tianning Yang ty00324@surrey.ac.ukManagement (SBS) 
Natasha Blackmore n.blakemore@surrey.ac.ukMusic & Media
Giada D’Andreag.d’andrea@surrey.ac.ukPolitics
Jonathon Allenja00589@surrey.ac.ukSociology
Nindya Juwita Utimadininu00124@surrey.ac.ukSurrey Institute of Education


Preeti Mourya p.mourya@surrey.ac.ukPGR SEF Chair for FHMS
Zahra Emam Mousavife00076@surrey.ac.ukMicrobial Sciences (Biosciences & Medicine) 
Preeti Mouryap.mourya@surrey.ac.ukBiochemical Sciences (Biosciences & Medicine) & PGR SEF Chair
Alfie Thainat01040@surrey.ac.ukNutritional Sciences (Biosciences & Medicine) 
Tingyu Guotg00675@surrey.ac.ukClinical and Experimental Medicine (Biosciences and Medicine)
Angshumi Dutta a.dutta@surrey.ac.ukVeterinary Medicine  (Campus-based PGRs)
Lily Bulll.bull@surrey.ac.ukVeterinary Medicine  (APHA-based PGRs)
Shuq Cuis.cui@surrey.ac.ukHealth Sciences
Mar Estupiñan Fernandez De Mesam.estupinan@surrey.ac.ukHealth Sciences
Zhuming Baoz.bao@surrey.ac.ukHealth Sciences
VacantHealth Sciences
Elizaveta Ivanova e.ivanova@surrey.ac.ukPsychology
Delia Ciobotarud.ciobotaru@surrey.ac.ukPsychology
Maya Hearfield mh02831@surrey.ac.ukPsychology
Jennifer Kehl j.kehl@surrey.ac.ukHealth Psychology
VacantHealth Psychology