About the Awards

We want to celebrate all the great contribution of students who help to make us a closer part of the community at Surrey, be it through volunteering, charity or other projects.
All the winners of the citizenship awards receive a small Amazon voucher as a thank you from the Students’ Union, and we promote their story on social media so that we can inspire more students to be proactive and positively impact the people around them. We accept nominations both on behalf of yourself or a friend – each month the Community Zone will evaluate all nominations and award the winner. 

To nominate yourself or someone else, just fill in the form below!

Nominations close on the 15th of each month and are announced on the 20th on our Instagram!

Make a Nomination

Past Winners

October Winner – Khalil Saadat

Khalil has been actively involved in issues related to the University of Surrey students. As an international PGR student, Khalil has been actively involved in PGR issues, especially among those who come from abroad. Anything from helping students and staff to sort out their issues within the first few weeks of joining the university to finding information on staying in the UK as an international student or staff. Khalil has been able to offer his experience of living in the UK, as he has been studying in the UK for more than eight years. Additionally, he has been a PGR representative in their faculty, so he has helped PGRs on finding the right contact to sort out their issues in their research. Khalil has been chairing monthly PhD workshops and raised PGR concerns and managed to find some solutions to make the experience of the PGR community in Surrey. On top of his role as a PGR representative, he has been actively involved in other volunteering/paid roles within the university. Khalil was a self-isolation buddy during the lockdown period. Also, he was involved in focus groups within the university to share his own experience of living off/on campus. As an example, Khalil provided some suggestions on the catering facilities at the university. Khalil has also attended the university and faculty meetings and partnership projects to discuss the issues related to equality, diversity and inclusion. Overall, Khalil’s contribution involved local students and staff integrating better into their local community. As part of a joint project, Khalil and his partner managed to start a weblog offering suggestions to international students including tips on involving in the local community. The weblog can be found here: https://go-global-citizen.blogspot.com/. Khalil is hoping to make more contributions by involving in more projects in the future.