The Surrey Volunteering Awards Ceremony Will be Announced Later in The Year

Nominate Someone For An Award

Perhaps you’d like to nominate someone to recognise their outstanding contributions to the Surrey community! Fill in the form for the award you believe they deserve recognition for!

Nominations Will Open Later In the Year

Greatest Impact Student Volunteering Award
Nominations for this award are for any student who has volunteered and made a huge difference and impact through a volunteering opportunity to students or the wider community. Nominate here

JEDI (Justice, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion) Award
Awarded to the student volunteer who has made a significant contribution to supporting under-represented groups, and/or for promoting justice, equality, diversity and inclusion within the wider Surrey Community. Nominate here

Outstanding Contribution to Nightline
This award is for the student who has had the biggest impact on Nightline by volunteering as a listening volunteer or/and a committee member. Nominate here

Outstanding Contribution to Student Minds
This award is for the student who has had the biggest impact on Student Minds by volunteering as a facilitator or/and a committee member. Nominate here

Outstanding Contribution to Welfare Watch
This award is for the student who has had the biggest impact on Welfare Watch by volunteering or/and acting as a committee member. Nominate here

Outstanding Contribution to Visibility
Awarded to the student volunteer who has had the biggest impact on the visibility of one (or more) of the Union support services. This award is open to any member of Nightline, Student Minds, and Welfare Watch, not just the publicity team. Nominate here

Committee Member of a Union Support Service of the year
Awarded to the student volunteer who acted as a committee member of a Union Support Service and contributed most significantly to the development of the service. This award is for a student’s contribution to only one service, not the Union Support Services as a whole. If a student has been a committee member to more than one service, they would need to fill different nominations, one for each service. Nominate here

  • Bronze Award  – This award is presented to students in recognition of the incredible achievement for completing up to 100 hours of volunteering during their time at University
  • Silver Award – This award is presented to students in recognition of the incredible achievement for completing up to 200 hours of volunteering during their time at University
  • Gold Award – This award is presented to students in recognition of the incredible achievement for completing up to 300 hours of volunteering during their time at University
  • Platinum Award – This award is presented to students in recognition of the incredible achievement for completing up to 500 hours of volunteering during their time at University
  • Diamond Award – This award is for students who have achieved over 1000 hours as a volunteer, the most incredible effort of volunteering during their time here at Surrey.