The Union may take disciplinary action where the student’s behaviour has affected:

  1. Another student or union employee
  2. Members of the public
  3. Others visiting, working or studying at the University
  4. The reputation of the Student’s Union

In addition to misconduct which happens within the Students Union or during Student Union activities, the Union may take disciplinary action in response to misconduct which takes place on social media or the digital environment.

Misconduct is likely to fall into one of the categories below. The examples listed are illustrative and are not exhaustive. Some instances of misconduct may feature in more than one category depending on the circumstances.

  1. Actions which cause actual or potential distress or harm (physical or psychological and in person or through any other medium) to other people irrespective of whether or not distress or harm was intended.
  2. Actions which cause actual or potential damage to property of others
  3. Actions which cause actual or potential reputational damage to the Union which include any conduct that brings, or could reasonably be anticipated to bring the Union into disrepute or otherwise could reasonably be anticipated to lower the Union in the estimation of a reasonable person
  4. Actions which disrupt the normal operations, and/or safe use of, the Union
  5. Action which breaches the Union’s Byelaws

Please note that any behaviour that could be categorised as the following will be dealt with under the University’s regulations for student disciplinaries:

  • sexual misconduct as described in the University’s Sexual Misconduct Policy
  • targeting an individual due to their possession, or perceived possession, of a protected characteristic: age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation
  • possession of an offensive weapon/firearm including imitation or replica products
  • Dealing of drugs on Union Premises

Misconduct will be progressed as either minor or major depending on the severity of the misconduct and with due regard as to whether a minor or major penalty would be proportionate and reasonable for a proven offence.

Examples of Minor and minor offences can be found in the Union Disciplinary Procedure. However, the Union reserves the right to consider any allegation of misconduct to be major, even if it appears in the minors example.

The Union reserves the right to escalate an investigation to the University if the potential misconduct is considered to be of a serious enough nature.

The Process

If misconduct is suspected the Union will handle this through three stages:

  1. Initial Investigation
  2. Disciplinary Panel
  3. Disciplinary Appeal Panel

The information below outlines the outcome of all cases of misconduct considered by the student union.

It is important to note every case is considered on its own merits and have unique aggravating and mitigating factors.

This information covers the current 2023-2024 academic year.

Nature of allegation Outcome
ID passing Written warning and revoke access to SU building for one of student’s two cards.
Vandalism/Damage Pay fine of £427 and 30 day ban from time of incident.
Breaking/Entering 1 month ban from licensed premises owned by the student union.
Breaking/Entering 3 week ban from Rubix and harries bar.
Abuse/AssaultTrading venues ban until end of term.
Abuse/AssaultTrading venues ban until end of term.
Bringing university and student union into disrepute Referred to OSCAR due to nature of conduct.
Failure to respect right of others No misconduct found.
ID passingNo misconduct found.
Caused a dangerous situation to potentially occur2 week ban from Rubix and Haris Bar.
Public urinationWritten warning for behaviour with further incidents being treated more severely.
Abuse/Assault No misconduct found.
Misuse of student union equipmentNo further action taken as trading venues ban already served.
Abuse/Assault Referred to OSCAR due to nature of conduct.
Breach of club or society code of conductWritten warning given and made to apologies to society.
Abuse/AssaultNo misconduct found.
Abuse/AssaultWritten warning given.
Breach of club or society code of conductWritten warning given and ban from future sporting events.
Sexual Harassment No misconduct found.
Abuse/AssaultNo further action taken as trading venue ban already served.
Abuse/AssaultWritten warning given.
Other No misconduct found.
Entering Rubix after being turned away No misconduct found.

This information covers the 2022-2023 academic year.

Nature of allegation Outcome
ID passing2 week ban from Rubix
ID passing Written warning and apology letters sent to door staff by student.
Abuse/Assault Referred to OSCAR due to nature of conduct.
Breaking/Entering 2 week ban from Rubix.
Abuse/Assault2 month ban from Rubix.
Abuse/Assault4 month ban from Rubix.
ID passing 2 week trading venues ban.
ID passingNo misconduct found.
Abuse/Assault1 month ban from Rubix.
Abuse/AssaultNo misconduct found.
Abuse/AssaultNo misconduct found.
Failure to respect right of others 3 month and 3 week trading venues ban.
DrugsWritten warning and apology letter written by student.
Abuse/AssaultNo misconduct found.
Aggressive behaviour towards door staff.1 month ban from Rubix.
Breaking/Entering 1 month trading venues ban.
Fire safety abuseRubix venue ban until next academic year.
Theft1 month trading venues ban.
TheftNo further action taken as trading venues ban already served.
Theft£18 fine and venue ban until fine is payed.
Abuse/AssaultReferred to OSCAR due to nature of conduct.
Abuse/Assault4 month trading venues ban.
Failure to respect right of others Written final warning given to student.
Abuse/AssaultTrading venues ban for entirety of time student is studying at the university.
Breaking/EnteringNo further action taken as trading venues ban already served.
Abuse/AssaultTrading venues ban until next academic year.
Breaking/Entering1 week trading venues ban.
Abuse/AssaultReferred to OSCAR due to nature of conduct.
Breaking/EnteringNo misconduct found.
Smoking/VapingNo further action taken as trading venues ban already served.
Smoking/VapingNo further action taken as trading venues ban already served.
Drugs3 week trading venues ban.
Drugs3 week trading venues ban.
Smoking/Vaping1 month trading venues ban.
Breaking/EnteringTrading venue ban until end of academic year.
Abuse/AssaultTrading venues ban until end of academic year.
Abuse/Assault4 week trading venues ban.
Abuse/AssaultApology letter send to the victim by the student.
Abuse/AssaultNo further action taken as trading venues ban already served.
Smoking/VapingNo further action taken as trading venues ban already served.
Smoking/Vaping1 month trading venues ban.
Smoking/Vaping 1 month trading venues ban.
ID passing 1 month trading venues ban.
Abuse/AssaultNo further action taken as trading venues ban already served.
ID passing Written warning given to student.
Abuse/AssaultNo misconduct found.
TheftTrading venues ban until end of term.
TheftTrading venues ban until end of term.
Abuse/AssaultReferred to OSCAR due to nature of conduct.
Interference of union event £400 fine given to society pluse written warning about hosting future events.
Abuse/Assault1 month trading venues ban.
Drugs3 month trading venues ban.
Drugs1 month trading venues ban.
DrugsTrading venues ban until end of semester.
Abuse/AssaultTrading venues ban until next academic year and referral to welfare team.
Abuse/AssaultTrading venues ban until semester 2 of the next academic year, pulse a finale written warning.
Abuse/AssaultNo further action taken as trading venues ban already served.
Abuse/AssaultNo further action taken as trading venues ban already served.
Abuse/AssaultNo further action taken as trading venues ban already served.
Fraud/Deceit 1 month trading venues ban.

This information covers the 2021-2022 academic year.

Nature of AllegationOutcome
Abuse/AssaultNo Misconduct found.
Abuse/AssaultNo misconduct found.
Breaking/Entering2 week trading venues ban.
Breach of club or society code of conductGiven a written warning.
Abuse/AssaultNo misconduct found.
Breaking/Entering2 week trading venues ban.
Breaking/Entering2 week trading venues ban.
Abuse/Assautl6 month trading venues ban.
Drugs8 month trading venue ban.
Abuse/AssaultNo misconduct found.
Smoking/Vaping 2 week trading venue ban.
Abuse/Assault2 week trading venues ban.
Abuse/Assault2 month trading venues ban.
Vandalism/Damage1 month trading venues ban.
Abuse/AssaultNo misconduct found.
Drugs1 month trading venues ban.
Poor standard of behaviour 1 month trading venues ban.
Fraud/Deceit 1 month trading venues ban.
Fraud/Deceit1 month trading venues ban.
Fraud/Deceit1 month trading venues ban.
Abuse/Assault 1 year trading venue ban.
Abuse/Assault 1 year trading venue ban.
Abuse/Assault 1 year trading venue ban.
Abuse/Assault 1 year trading venue ban.
Abuse/Assault 3 month trading venues ban.
Abuse/Assault Written warning given.
Abuse/Assault 1 month trading venues ban.
Abuse/Assault Trading venues ban until end of term.
Theft1 month trading venues ban.
Abuse/Assault Written warning given.
Abuse/Assault No misconduct found.
ID passingNo misconduct found.
Vandalism/DamageNo misconduct found.
Vandalism/Damage£75 fine and trading venues ban until end of year.
Vandalism/DamageNo misconduct found.
Abuse/Assault No misconduct found.
Breaking/Entering1 month trading venues ban.
Breaking/Entering 1 month trading venues ban.
Breaking/EnteringWritten warning given.
Health and safety breach Written warning given and apology made to committee by student.
ID passingWritten warning given.
ID passingWritten waring given.
Breaking/entering 6 week trading venues ban.
Abuse/Assault Written warning given.
Abuse/Assault Written warning given.
Abuse/Assault No misconduct found.
Abuse/Assault No misconduct found.
Drugs Written warning given.
Abuse/Assault 6 month trading venues ban and final warning given.
Smoking/Vaping2 week trading venues ban.
Abuse/Assault No misconduct found.
Abuse/Assault 1 month trading venues ban.
Abuse/Assault No misconduct found and reminder of final warning.
Abuse/Assault 1 month trading venue ban.
Abuse/Assault No misconduct found.
Vandalism/DamageNo misconduct found but asked to send an apology letter.
Vandalism/Damage£174 fine and trading venue ban until end of calendar year.
Vandalism/Damage£174 fine and trading venue ban until end of calendar year.
Abuse/Assault Trading venue ban until semester 2 next academic year.
Abuse/Assault Trading venue ban for 1 calendar year.
Abuse/Assault Trading venue ban for 1 calendar year.