Each club and society must complete a risk assessment before an activity can run, and it must be approved by a senior member of the Activity Zone. Please contact us before organising a trip.
Please refer to the risk assessment guideline document to ensure you complete the assessment correctly.
Ready to complete your risk assessment?
What is it?
- Not just another form to complete!
- Checklist of what could go wrong, what you can do to ensure things don’t go wrong, and how to react if it does go wrong
- Helps you plan your activity to ensure it runs successfully and inform those helping you run the activity or taking part of procedures that should be followed
- Prioritizes hazards and control measures
- Determines if existing control measures are adequate or if more should be done
Why do I have to complete it?
- As an organizer of an event/activity you have a responsibility of care towards your participants/attendees and ensuring their health and safety
- It is your legal responsibility to make sure your activities are as safe as possible
- Required by insurance!
- Must identify any hazard to participants/attendees and put controls in place to reduce the likelihood of those hazards being realised to an acceptable level
- In the event of an incident, a risk assessment can be used to show that you did everything to make your activity safe; if there is an accident, you will be asked to produce your risk assessment
- Insurance requires that a risk assessment is completed before an event takes place or you will not be covered
- For some more high risk activities further insurance cover may be required
- Like jail break
- If you are not insured then you are in danger of being personally sued if an accident does occur
When to complete a risk assessment
- Every activity/event/meeting/etc. that your group organizes
- You can produce a generic risk assessment to cover your main activity
- Christian Union’s Teas & Coffee
- Surrey Marrow spit kit events
- Bar crawls
- Meetings
- You will also need a specific risk assessment for any other activities you organize or if you change your main activity
- Trips
- Practices/events at a different venue (off campus)
- Guest speakers
When do you NOT have to complete a risk assessment
- The ONLY times you will not have to complete one is if the venue/vendor you’re using has one already OR when you are participating in a Union sponsored event (varsity, one world week, freshers, etc.)