The STARS (Societies Training & Activities Rewards Scheme) awards are a wonderful scheme for clubs and societies to truly showcase how they go above and beyond.

For 2023/24 STARS has reverted back to the ‘Bronze/Silver/Gold Stars’ scheme.

Clubs and Societies can complete various tasks to work their way towards Bronze, Silver and Gold STARS, from completing basic admin and duties, t0 getting involved in Union Campaigns, RAG and Volunteering.

If a club or society wants to truly go above and beyond, and achieve all criteria, they will be awarded ‘Gold Stars‘; an award which will be received at their respective end of year Awards Ball. The Gold Stars award is highly commendable, and will show off to students and staff that their club or society is of high standard. Achieving ‘Gold Stars’ should be an objective for all clubs and societies.

How do we submit our Stars application?

Forms will be available on the Committee Resources page. If approved, your group will be awarded the Bronze, Silver or Gold Stars! If you have any questions, please email us .