Mobile Quick Links!
Accidents – Any Union, Kendall or Enterprise Hire Vehicle
For all accidents or incidents that lead to vehicle damage please complete this form. This will allow you to notify us of the event as well as guide you on the information you need to collect for our insurers.
When you have completed this form, please call our insurance company on +44 0808 100 8181.
For all university staff, you will need to refer complete the above form, but you will need to call the university’s insurance company as per your driver agreement.
Breakdown All others
For all other Union vehicles
Call our Wessex partner’s maintenance line at +44 800 917 7402. Select option 1.
Breakdown Enterprise Hire Vehicles
Call their breakdown assistance at +44 800 316 0977
Breakdown Kendall Hire Vehicles
Call their breakdown assistance at +44 844 800 1980
They will be able to send warranty cover assistance or Breakdown Assistance to help in the event of a breakdown with a Kendall Cars vehicle. Driver induced faults are NOT covered by our breakdown insurance and therefore are chargeable. These include, but are not limited to:
- Misfuel Wheel/tyre change
- Out of fuel
- Lockout
- Lost/broken Keys
- Road traffic collision Tyre Damage