Please note this page is currently a work in progress.
This page is to provide specific guidance to members and signatories of clubs/societies and how you can use our fleet of vehicles for your activities.
Firstly, it is important to note that we ask for approval from 2/3 signatory positions before processing any booking requests. This is simply to ensure that there is approval for the cost of this usage.
For BUCS, we as Team Surrey provide you clubs a reasonable transport budget to help subsidise the cost of participating in university competitive sport. These budgets are reviewed annually and you will be informed of your yearly budget at the start of the academic year. We understand that this may not cover all of your activities through the year and so would encourage signatories to consider how they raise funds to cover this.
Bookings for BUCS wednesdays are also treated slightly differently. These days are a peak time for bookings of transport resources and in order to provide fair and equal opportunity all BUCS bookings should be submitted by the end of the day the Thursday before. Our Union team will then process all BUCS bookings on the Friday/Monday before to ensure that we can provide everything required across Team Surrey. An example to help explain, if you need transport for an away fixture on Wednesday 25 September you should as a club request all bookings required before end of Thursday 19 September. Your booking would then be processed and confirmed on Friday 20 September.