University staff are allowed to book Union vehicles as well. This can be for events, trips or similar. This page is point out key differences in the processes for University staff for clarity.

Firstly, we would like to stress that we will always prioritise student usage of our vehicles, this may mean that we can’t accept your booking or that we may need to change your booking with some notice.

All University staff must use the University’s insurance for the usage of our vehicles as our insurance does not cover university staff. This means that on top of application to our driving platform you should get in touch with the University transport team to apply to their insurance policy.

Usage of our vehicles does come at a cost for University staff, but we do charge the same rates for both staff and students. Surrey Students’ Union is a separate company and entity to the University of Surrey, we therefore ask that when creating a booking you create a purchase order from your department with a minimum of £50 your expected cost based on predicted mileage during usage.

For the minibuses within the Union fleet it is important that we re-iterate that the charitable exemption that allows does not apply to University staff whom are being paid to drive them. In the case you are being paid to drive a Union minibus you must be a holder of a D1 driving licence.