What are self-certified Extenuating Circumstances (ECs)?

An application for self-certified ECs does not require you to provide evidence to support your application for your ECs to be accepted, but you will still need to provide a reason and add a statement of your circumstances and how you have been impacted. Similar to reporting in sick to work, the University allows you to self-certify that you require extenuating circumstances for up to 5 University working days* without evidence, so long as you have grounds to do so. If you require more than 5 University working days, you will need to provide evidence for your ECs. 

You will either be offered an extension of 5 University working days, or a deferral (see ‘outcomes’ below).

*University working days do not include weekends, bank holiday’s or University closure dates over winter and spring vacations.

Students have one self-certified EC per semester:

  • One self-cert in Semester 1
  • One self-cert in Semester 2
  • One self-cert in the LSA (Late Summer Assessment Period in August)

All other ECs will need to be evidenced.

What can you self-certify?   

Students that are eligible to self-certify their ECs will need to meet these criteria:  

  • Have not yet used their self-certified EC for that semester (students get 1x EC in Semester one, 1x EC in Semester two and, 1x EC in the Late summer)
  • Experiencing valid Extenuating Circumstances impacting your academic ability (see below) 
  • Unable to obtain evidence for those valid ECs to support a standard EC application
  • For coursework: requiring ECs for a maximum 5 University working day extension
  • For exams: requiring a deferral of selected exams within a 5 University working day period
  • Unable to obtain evidence to support an application for ECs 
  • Applying for ECs before a deadline or the start of an assessment. (Any coursework submitted before the coursework deadline will be voided if subsequent EC request is accepted)

It is important to note that even though you do not need evidence, University still reserves the right to reject an application for ECs that is self-certified if you do not meet the criteria above, or if you do not have valid grounds to request ECs.  It is a serious disciplinary offence to misuse this process and mislead the University and could result in major disciplinary penalties.   

When should self-certification be used?  

Self-certified ECs should only be used for short-term circumstances affecting your academic performance when you’re unable to provide evidence for a standard Extenuating Circumstances application. If you can provide evidence, then standard ECs with evidence would be best for you to apply for. Self-certifying should ideally be a last resort – only to be used if you have valid ECs that you cannot evidence.

Remember, you only have one self-cert per semester this year, so you must be sure you need it at that time.

To outline the two types of ECs, read below:

Evidenced Extenuating Circumstances Self-Certified Extenuating Circumstances 
application can be used to cover any/all chosen assessment(s) within evidenced time period. application can be used to cover any/all chosen assessment(s) within a 5 University working day period.
For all types of coursework: the outcome will be a 10 University working day extension on your coursework.For all types of coursework: the outcome will be a 5 University working day extension on your coursework.
For exams: deferral of exam to next suitable assessment period. For exams: deferral of exam to next suitable assessment period.
Applicable for any unit of assessment e.g. exam, coursework, class-test, group project, presentation, performance. Applicable for any unit of assessment e.g. exam, coursework, class-test, group project, presentation, performance.
Requires valid evidence. Doesn’t require evidence.
Requires a supporting statement outlining valid grounds for ECs and desired outcome. Requires a supporting statement outlining valid grounds for ECs and desired outcome. 
Expected to submit before exam/deadline where possible, but may be submitted up to 5 University working days after exam/deadline.Only valid when completed before a deadline or before the start of an exam (therefore an application made at 11.01am for an 11am exam will not be accepted and will require evidence). 
Unlimited evidenced applications (though continued applications which demonstrate a need for additional support may be referred to Support to Study).Limited to one self-cert in semester 1, one self-cert in Semester 2, one self-cert in the LSA (Late Summer Assessment period).
Apply online through Surrey Self-Serve by selecting “start new evidence based application”.Apply online through Surrey Self-Serve by selecting “start a new self-certify application”.
Can be used in the August Late Summer Assessment Period (though deferring in August will interrupt your course flow, so it is strongly advised that you seek advice before applying for ECs in August).One self-cert be used in the August Late Summer Assessment Period (though deferring in August will interrupt your course flow, so it is strongly advised that you seek advice before applying for ECs in August).  

Extenuating Circumstances are not a replacement for getting the support you need to study at University. If you think you are experiencing recurring circumstances that are impacting your study, please speak to your Personal Tutor as soon as possible, or visit the hive.

What are valid grounds for ECs? 

There are several valid “grounds” for applying for extenuating circumstances, and unless you are self-certifying your application, you must demonstrate, with evidence, how the grounds have affected you and your ability to do your work to the best of your ability. The grounds considered by the University include:

  • Bereavement through the death of a close relative or significant other
  • For yourself, or someone within your care (child, parent, partner etc), who experiences:
    • Short term illness
    • Long-term chronic health problem, or other disability as defined by the Equality Act (2010) suddenly worsening
    • Flare-up of a chronic health problem, or other disability as defined by the Equality Act (2010)
  • Late diagnosis of additional learning requirements 
  • For part time and distance learning students, an increase in workload beyond your control
  • Other exceptional circumstances

Technical difficulties are sometimes considered by the University as a valid ground, but you must ensure that you are following the right steps to get your EC – have a look at the information below for help with technical difficulties.

Unless you are applying for self-certified Extenuating Circumstances, you will need evidence to prove the nature of your ECs. The exception to this is a flare-up of a chronic health problem where you only need to provide evidence once explaining the nature of your flare-ups.

outcomes of an Extenuating circumstance

There are several different outcomes when applying for an EC, depending on the type of EC you are applying under, and what the assessment is.

For exams: The exam will automatically defer to the next assessment period, which is normally the late summer assessment period in August. If you are unsure when your next assessment period is, then we would suggest talking to your module leader/personal tutor.

For coursework:

  • If you are self-certifying then you will be given a 5 university working day* extension only from the original deadline.
  • If you are submitting a normal EC with evidence, then you will be given a 10 university working day* extension only. Anything over 10 University working days will be deferred to the next assessment period, which is normally the late summer assessment period in August.

The University will only consider longer than 10 University working days for coursework for students who have significant evidence and where it would lead to substantial unfairness. Deferring to the LSA is not considered substantial unfairness.

*University working days do not include weekends, bank holidays or University holiday closure dates

For group work: If you need to EC group work then you may be removed from the group project and you are likely to be given an individual assessment or coursework to submit at a later date. Sometimes this may mean completing the group work project on your own, or submitting a different assessment. You should check with your module leader what the alternative assessment may be and when it will be submitted – some might be deferred to the next available assessment period (usually August)

For dissertations/final projects: As these are individual projects, ECs are likely to extend the deadline. Normally this will be in line with coursework deadlines, as mentioned above. With the right evidence, you can have more than a 3 week extension on dissertations and final projects if you need it – up to a year or more in some cases.

For other assessments: We would suggest talking to your module leader if you are unsure on the outcome.

ECs should be applied for BEFORE the deadline. If you have missed a deadline or exam, you can still apply for an evidenced EC, but it may be harder to get this approved. Applications cannot be self-certified after a deadline or the start of an examination event.

If you have to leave an in-person exam due to extenuating circumstances, you need to complete the ‘unfit to continue’ form in the exam and then have 5 University working days to apply for extenuating circumstances.​ If this is an online exam, then you should, contact the hive by raising a question on MySurrey Help and email your module leader.

Submitting an EC: What do I need to do?

Read the University’s 

Regulations for Extenuating Circumstances. In here you will find a list of what is considered to be extenuating circumstances and what evidence the University will accept. 

These can be found on the web-site of the Office of Student Complaints, Appeals and Regulations (OSCAR) – https://www.surrey.ac.uk/office-student-complaints-appeals-and-regulation

What Next?

Write your statement – make sure you clearly explain what your circumstances are, how they are impacting your ability to study and the outcome you are seeking.

If your application is AFTER the deadline or event, you will need to explain why you were not able to apply beforehand or at the time.

If possible, gather your evidence. The burden of proof is on you as the student applying so it is vital that you have evidence to support your case. e.g. doctor’s letter, death certificate, counsellor’s letter, police report. You will need this in electronic format e.g. a photo or a scanned copy as you will need to upload this with your EC application

Submit the online form. This can be accessed via student self-service. A video explaining the form can be found on the OSCAR website.​

Waiting for an outcome? 

For some evidenced ECs you might not hear about your EC application before your deadline. If this is the case with you then please try not to worry, we would advise you to do the following:

For coursework: We would advise that you submit what you have already by your current deadline. If your EC is later accepted, then your submission attempt will be voided and you will be given a new deadline (so we would suggest you continue to work on your coursework) or your assessment will move to August. 

For exams: We would suggest that you email your module leader and raise a question to the hive through MySurrey Help and let them know that you do not plan on sitting the exam. This essentially tells the University that you are “not fit to sit” the exam and this will support your EC. If you are worried you don’t have valid grounds for an EC, then you can attempt your exam. If your EC is later accepted then your attempt will be voided and your exam will be deferred. 

If your EC application is rejected following the event or deadline then please contact us and we can discuss your case in more detail. You can always apply for another EC – up until the board of examiners meet. Additionally, the appeals process is there to support you later down the line.

Frequently asked Questions

How do I submit an Application?

Online, via your Surrey Self-Service account. Under the ‘Extenuating Circumstances’ tab.

How do I submit a self-certified EC?

You should use the same application as a normal EC: online, via your Surrey Self-Service account. Under the ‘Extenuating Circumstances’ tab and then select start a new self-certified application.

If you are not providing evidence as you are covered by the ground of “long term health condition” then you should select evidence, and mention in the statement which previous evidence you have submitted that supports your EC.

For information on Self-certified ECs, please see here

What should my application include?

You will need to include a statement, explaining:

  • what grounds you are applying under
  • your situation and how it is/has been affecting your academic ability
  • how long you have been/will be impacted for
  • what outcome you are seeking
  • as well as relevant evidence to support your statement unless you are self-certifying your application.

Please see page 4 of the University’s regulations for extenuating circumstances for more details on evidence needed. You do not need evidence if you are applying under the grounds of a “flare-up of a chronic health condition” and you have already provided evidence of the nature of your illness and how it can flare up.

How long will it take to get a response?

After submission you should receive an immediate confirmation of receipt via email to your Surrey account.

A self certified application should be approved within 5 working days by the University so you should have a response quickly.

Applications with evidence usually take around 5 working days to receive an outcome. However, during exam periods and busy times, ECs can take around 7 – 10 working days to get an outcome.

What happens if I fall unwell the night before, or the day of, an exam and can’t attend?

You should ideally submit extenuating circumstances as soon as you know you won’t be able to attend an exam. If you are physically unable to attend the exam then we would recommend you email your Module Leader and raise a question to the hive through MySurrey Help to let them know that you cannot do the exam. 

You may wish to consider if you want to apply for self-certified ECs, and you can do so in order to defer your exam to the next suitable examination period (usually the August examination period) provided you apply before the start of the exam, and provided you have not already used your self-certified EC for the semester already.

If you have already used your maximum self-certified application for the semester, seek support as soon as possible as you will need evidence to add to your EC application. Please be aware that if your ECs aren’t valid, and you don’t attend the exam you run the risk of your exam being awarded zero. Click here to find out more about appeals.

What to I do if i have not had an outcome before my exam or coursework deadline?

In some cases you might not hear about your EC application before your deadline. If this is the case with you then please try not to worry, we would advise you to do the following:

For coursework: We would advise that you submit what you have already by your current deadline. If your EC is later accepted, then your submission attempt will be voided and you will be given a new deadline (so we would suggest you continue to work on your coursework) or your assessment will move to August.

  • The original deadline (no ECs submitted)
  • If you submit a self-cert and it is accepted: your deadline will always be 5 working days after the original deadline
  • If you submit an evidenced EC and it is accepted: your deadline will always be 10 working* days after the original deadline
  • If you submit an evidenced EC for and extension longer than 10 working days, your assessment will be deferred

For exams: We would suggest that you email you email your Module Leader and raise a question to the hive through MySurrey Help and let them know that you do not plan on sitting the exam. This essentially tells the University that you are “not fit to sit” the exam and this will support your EC. If you are worried you don’t have valid grounds for an EC, then you can attempt your exam. If your EC is later accepted then your attempt will be voided and your exam will be deferred. 

If your EC application is rejected following the event or deadline then please contact us and we can discuss your case in more detail. You can always apply for another EC – up until the board of examiners meet. Additionally, the appeals process is there to support you later down the line.

What Do I Do if I cannot get my evidence before the deadline?

You may wish to consider whether you can apply for self-certified ECs but we would only suggest this when you are not able to obtain evidence. For example, an illness that you would not normally go to your GP for. You can read more about the self-certified process here. To apply without evidence, you must be applying for ECs before your deadline and not have already used your self-cert for the semester.

If you have already used up your self-cert for the semester, or if you require longer than a 5 university working day extension, we would advise that you submit your application before the deadline anyway, and indicate in your application that you are still waiting to obtain the evidence. As soon as you receive it, you can log back in to your application and add it. At least this way you have ensured that you have reported the matter ahead of the assessment.

It is important to note, however, that your application won’t be looked at until your evidence is uploaded. If your application closes before you have time to submit your evidence, that is ok, you can just submit another EC application. If your application is rejected because the board of examiners have met, you will need to make an academic appeal. If you are not able to source evidence for your situation, you might be eligible to self-certify your ECs.

What do i do if i am unwell in an exam?

For an in-person examination: You can ask an invigilator for an ‘unfit to continue’ form, and then you can leave if needed. This ensures your exam will NOT be marked as a non‑attempt and will serve as part of your evidence in your extenuating circumstances application. You must follow this up with a full ECs application as soon as possible. You should book an appointment with a medical professional as evidence for your ECs. 

For an online examination: Email your module leader and contact the hive by raising a question on MySurey Help and let them know you are unwell and are unable to continue the exam. This email will help when you apply for your EC. You will not be able to self-certify if the exam has already started, so you should seek to obtain medical evidence as soon as possible – from a GP/counsellor etc. Put in your EC application as soon as you can – you can add your evidence later on.

What will happen to the exam paper or Coursework if I submit but my EC is upheld?

Any attempts you have made will be void if your EC application is upheld. If this is an exam, your assessment will move, usually to the August exam period.

You should be aware that if you are happy with your submission and your EC is approved, it will be voided regardless as, once an EC has been accepted, you cannot revoke the EC.

What Will Happen if my EC is rejected?

If you submitted or sat your assessment: Your work will be marked as normal. If you failed to sit the exam or failed to submit an assessment then you may be awarded zero. You can appeal this decisions but will need valid grounds to do so.

If you self-certified then your EC should be approved by the University, without the need for evidence, and should not be rejected. However, in the event that it is rejected, you will be able to use your self-certified EC again that semester.

If your EC was evidenced then you can submit another EC with new grounds or new evidence for the same grounds. You can apply for a self-cert for the same assessment, provided you meet the self-cert criteria.

what happens if i no longer want my EC?

If you decide that you no longer want your EC, and you believe you can complete your assessment, then you can ask the University to remove your EC however, it would depend on when your exam or assessment takes place:

  • Accepted self-certified ECs: can be revoked up until the deadline or start time of an assessment. Once the assessment has started or deadline passed, you can no longer withdraw your request for an EC
  • Accepted evidenced ECs: can be revoked up until the deadline or start time of an assessment. Once the assessment has started or deadline passed, you can no longer withdraw your request for an EC
  • Pending evidenced ECs (where you don’t yet have the outcome): Can be revoked after an exam, assessment or deadline if the EC has not yet been accepted. However, students will need to provide good reasons why they were unable to revoke their EC before the start time or deadline.

If you revoke a self-certified EC and it no longer is used for any assessments, then you will get your self-certified EC back, to use again in the same semester.

the module i need to EC isn’t on SurreyLearn

Sometimes this happens and when it does, it is usually a technical error. Don’t panic. We would suggest you submit your EC and choose a different module and assessment so that you can submit the form. When you come to write your statement make it very clear that the module you have selected is NOT the one you want to EC, and instead you want to EC XX00234 module assessment instead. The assessments team who look at your EC will be able to change it the other side for you. Make it REALLY CLEAR what you are doing in your statement.

We would also suggest you send a follow up to the assessments team through raising a question on MySurrey Help as well, to let them know what you have done and what outcome you are seeking.

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