What is a Managed Exclusion Order?
An MEO is something placed on a student when the University considers that it is in your interests to alter your access to areas such as University premises, University services, University Accommodation or certain people. This may be because an allegation or concern has been raised about you and the University considers that issuing a MEO will help to enable a fair investigation.
Each MEO is different and will depend on what the alleged disciplinary offense is for. Common types of MEO include:
- Restricted access to certain areas/buildings on the University campus (for example, you are not allowed into the library)
- Restricted access to certain areas/buildings on the University campus at certain times (for example, you are only allowed on campus between 7am – 7pm)
- Temporary removal from University accomodation. The University will provide you with alternative accomodation whilst your MEO is in place
- Prohibit you from communicating with certain other students (either directly or indirectly).
​​​​​Normally, your MEO should not interfere with your academic studies. That is, unless the severity of the allegations state otherwise, your MEO should not prevent you from attending lectures or seminars.
Your MEO should last for 30 days at which point OSCAR (who issued your MEO) can extend it if they have valid reasons to do so.
It is important to remember that breaching your MEO is a disciplinary offense by itself, so you should familiaries yourself with the terms of your MEO and understand what is prohibited. If you are unsure of anything about your MEO, please talk to OSCAR to get a better understanding.
If your MEO restricts your access to campus, then you must ensure you get written permission from OSCAR before you enter restricted areas, otherwise you may be in breach of your MEO.
Why have I been given an MEO?
Managed Exclusion Orders (MEO) are not a punishment but the University will often issue one if you are under investigation for an alleged disciplinary offence e.g. in University Accommodation.
What do I need to do first?
It is important that you read and understand the terms of your MEO. Again it is important to understand that breaching your MEO is a disciplinary offense.
These can be found under the ‘Student disciplinary proceedings’ heading on the web-site of the Office of Student Complaints, Appeals and Regulations (OSCAR) – https://www.surrey.ac.uk/office-student-complaints-appeals-and-regulation
What are the outcomes of an MEO?
It is likely that if you have been given an MEO, you are investigation for an alleged disciplinary offense, either by the police or with the University.
If your alleged offense is under investigation with the police, the University will not be able to investigate the alleged offense until the Police have concluded their investigations. In cases like this, it is possible you could reamin on your MEO for the duration of the police investigation.
If you alleged offence is under investigation with the University then it is likely you will remain on your MEO whilst they are investigating the alleged offense. This will then result in:
- No further action where the University do not have enough evidence to take your case to a disciplinary. Your MEO will be lifted.
- Minor offense – see disciplinary
- Major offense and referal to disciplinary panel – see disciplinary
How can the Students’ Union help?
Our academic advisors can help you understand the terms of your MEO and what it means to be on an MEO. We can help you navigate what you can and can not do on your MEO.
If your case is under investigation, we can also help you navigate the disciplinary process, and support you in investigation meetings with OSCAR, prepare for your panel and support you through the panel.
We suggest you read our disciplinary pages for information: University Disciplinaries – University of Surrey Students’ Union (ussu.co.uk)
We can also help you appeal your MEO if you feel that you have been given your MEO unfairly, if you feel it is disproportionate to your alleged offense or, if you feel that it is impacting on your studies. (i.e. if you have grounds)
Can I do anything about my MEO?
You can appeal against an MEO
If you wish to appeal your MEO read the possible grounds carefully and decide which grounds of appeal you want to use.
You should prepare a short statement explaining your grounds and gather together any relevant documents e.g. emails, doctors letters.
Submit your appeal to the Provost, via OSCAR (email: oscar@surrey.ac.uk)
If you are considering an MEO Appeal we recommend talking to us first.